Chapter 37 - Certain mistake.

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Chapter 37

The java hut is completely and utterly trashed. The tables as flipped upside down, there is tagging on the wall and glass scattered all over the floor.

Amber and I exchange shocked expressions as we tip toe through the demolished store.

From the other side of the counter, Ted is leaning on the counter, his head buried in his hair as he thinks to himself.

I walk around the counter and place my hand on his shoulder. "Ted?"

He shifts and finally straightens his posture to face me.

"Re-" his voice gives out on him and even though he can be annoying as hell, I pull him into a hug.

"It's okay. We can fix this."

"Everything's destroyed." He murmurs incoherently.

"We can get it replaced. Everything will be okay." I say as I rub his back for reassurance.

"Ahh Re." Amber taps on my shoulder and I shrug her away. "Re. Zayns here." She whispers and I freeze. Pulling away from Ted as quick as I can, he straightens his posture and nods.

"You told Zayn to come?" I question.

"I did." Ted confirms.

I look at Amber and she looks annoyed.

"Mr Malik." Ted greets. They shake hands and I keep my gaze low.

He looks immaculate as usual, like absolutely nothing is going on in his private life. He looks unbothered.

He looks like Zayn.

"Mr Turner. I apologise for this sudden catastrophe." Zayn says and I bite my lip.

"Miss Coventry."

"Zayn." Amber says sternly.

"Miss Greene." He breathes and I nod but don't say anything.

"Holy shit. What happened?!" I hear a familiar voice that I haven't heard in a while. It's Matt.

"Matt!" Amber leaves me alone to greet Matt and I swallow. Don't leave me here with Ted and Zayn.

"I'll let you two talk." I murmur to Zayn and Ted, making sure I don't make any eye contact with Zayn. I continue on to the back of the cafe and see my surroundings.

It's totally destroyed. Oh my god.

As I get closer to the storage room, I grab the small step ladder and kick all the broken substances to place it on a flat surface. I step on it and reach for the video storage cabinet and notice that every video is gone. There's no videos in here.

I grab the box and look inside to see just in case I didn't feel anything, but there's a note that says:

Nice try. E.D

"Fuck!" I spit under my breath.

"Did you find them?" I hear Ambers voice and I shake my head.

"No. The box is completely wiped out. There's nothing in here. But, there's a note, signed with the initials E.D."

Amber sighs and helps me off the step ladder. "Great. What are you going to do now? He's just took all of our evidence and completely destroyed the cafe."

I sigh and sit down on the step ladder.

"We've got nothing." I shrug as I look at the letter. Who the hell has Initials with the letters E and D.

Chills - Z.M (Book 2, Cold Trilogy) -EditingWhere stories live. Discover now