Chapter 21 - Face The Problem

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Picture of Chloe on the side! YAAAAAY! :D


xx' Leanne


“LOUIS! NO!" I yelled but it was too late, Louis' fist made contact with  the cheek of Liam, hard. He breathed heavy and squeezing his fist so, that his knuckles turned white. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Liam exclaimed touching his cheek what was turning red now. 

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! YOU ARE SNOGGING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND" He yelled pointed to me with his finger. His eyes narrowed on my face. 

"GIRLFRIEND? GIRLFRIEND!!?" Liam repeated loud, staring at me with a strange look.

"You two are TOGETHER?" He asked to me, the emphasis on ‘together’  

I couldn't speak, words were gone. My mind was not working anymore, my lips were dry. I only could stare, staring at the ground. 

"CHLOE? I asked you something!" He demanded. 

"Don't talk to her like that" Louis hissed. 

But I could tell you that I heard a desperately, hopefully tone in his voice hoping for the answer if we were together. 

But were we? Were we together? It wasn't official, right?

"I-I d-don't know.." I stammered out, biting my lip so hard that I tasted blood. 

"We are Chloe... are we?" Louis said his eyes burning in my skin. 

I didn't speak.

"Fuck this, I'm gone" Liam muttered and walked away slamming the door hard behind him. Leaving me and Louis alone, silence. No birds who were chirping, no wind what was blowing against the windows, no cars driving by.

No sound, silence. 

Then suddenly, water filled my eyes and teardrops streamed down my face. I sobbed loud and I couldn't stop. It was like, all the tension, problems, memories were flying out. Everything that was bothering me, blocking me, came out. If that, I faced the truth, and that I couldn’t lie to myself anymore.

"Sssh.." Louis said stroking his hands in circles on my back. 

"Louis, my feelings are screwed." I sobbed


"I think Chloe.." He swallowed for speaking further.

"I think that this isn't going to work out.."

I nodded weakly, was he 'breaking up' with me now? 

"Do you feel something for Liam?" He questioned.

"I-I don't know.. I always felt something different for Liam.."

"Like what?"

"Don't know, it's hard to explain" I sighed, my heart began to beat normal again.I sobbed for one last time and Louis put some hair of mine behind my hair. I bit my lip and looked at my feet. 

"We should take a break, to see what you feel about me.." He stops

"Or Liam" he finished. 

"To be honest, I don't think that that will work out Lou.."

"I get it, it's now 'over', isn't it?" His face changed to a disappointing look, if he would go crying. His beautiful smile was gone.


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