Chapter 1

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I dance around in a circle, my drink held high in the air. Somebody's hands go to grab the front of my hips and I push away from them. The room sways for a few moments and I stop moving to steady myself. I place my solo cup in some guy's hand and head towards my friend.

"God Ans..."

"Boo." I laugh.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"Not enough to be asked that question." I frown, crossing my arms.

I put my hands on his shoulders trying to focus on his face. He now had a blue tint and I leaned backwards trying to see clearly. My eyesight focused past him and see Maddie walking towards us at a high rate of speed.

"Oh, wow, I leave you for five minutes." She turns to John gesturing for him to go away. "Go grab her a water and try to find Christian."

She raps my arm around her own and weaves us through the body of people. I look down at my feet and scream. No my new shoes!

It takes me a few hours to sober up after we got to the beach.  John, Maddie and I spread out next to each other on the cold sand, and look up at the stars.

"I missed this." Maddie stretches her arms above her head.

"What me getting drunk off of two beers?" I roll my eyes.

"You Ansley Collins, are the biggest lightweight." John points out the obvious.

"I figured that one out a while ago."

"Do you guys remember how easy life was when we were little?" Maddie asks turning her head towards me.

"Three musketeers." John murmurs.

"I wish every day was summer." She sighs

"Move to Cali with me." I suggest

"I meant like no school and we are always close enough to hang out when ever we want to."

"It's pretty nice."

"Amazingly nice."

"Eh I think I'm done with you and your drunkenness." John shrugs

I sit up, tossing a handful of sand at him. He jolts up, spitting it out of his mouth, violently blinking to get the small grains out of his eyes.

"Oops." I pull a face, as air begin to stand up.

His fist dives under the sand next to him. He stands slowly, his fist clenched, smiling he chucks his handful of sand at me, most of it landing in Maddie's hair.

"Oops." He mimics my tone and we both sprint down the beach and towards the water.

The waves get louder as we run forwards. The sea and the sky meet in a never ending strip of black, I take off my jacket followed by my dress my dress. The air has a strong chill to it and nips at my skin giving me goose bumps. The water engulfs my legs, I dive off the sandbar and can't stop smiling as my two friends follow. I swing my arm around, splashing John in the face. He runs at me, falling backwards he takes me with him. I plug my nose as we fall back and the water swallows us both. And in this small moment life was perfect.

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