Chapter 53: Begging Forgiveness

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**A/N: Gotta do it again. Major smut warning.**


When I walk into the Academy house after doing rounds in the hospital all night, all I want to do is go straight to bed and not be disturbed for 10-14 hours. But first I need to check in with Owen to see how his date with Sang went last night.

Dragging my tired body up the stairs, I manage to make it to his bedroom which is across the hall from mine. Not even bothering to knock, I open the door, only to stop short at the sight before me.

Well I just can't keep this to myself.

Quickly snapping a picture before I'm caught, I back out of the doorway and close it behind me. Once I get to my room, I send the picture off in a group chat with the caption: look who's catching up!

I put my phone on silent before stripping down to my boxers and climbing into bed, letting sleep take me.


Waking up in Owen's arms after last night is a bit hit or miss. Hit, because last night was absolutely amazing. Miss, because I fell asleep right after. I mean, I know I'm not exactly experienced with the physical aspects of a relationship, but I'm pretty sure you're not just supposed to roll over and go to sleep after your boyfriend gives you a mind blowing orgasm.

I'm not sure what it was that woke me up, but seeing as how Owen is still asleep, I'm glad I did. Maybe now I can return the favor. Back before Kayli and I had stopped talking, she'd tell me a bit about her relationship with the guys. "The natural progression of relationships" she called it. Which thankfully included every possible thing that could happen right up to actual intercourse.

So I pretty much know the mechanics of what I want to do, I just don't know if I'll be any good at it. And what if he wakes up before I actually do it and he stops me?

Ugh! Get out of your head Sang and just do it! The covers are already down by his waist, all you have to do is go down there and pull it out. All guys have morning wood right? So he should already be hard. North was.

After my little pep talk, I take a deep breath and slowly extract myself from Owen's arm. He shifts a bit, but thankfully doesn't wake. Sitting up, I pull down the covers a bit, to see his grey boxers tented.

Should I pull them down or just pull it through the hole? Trying to remove them would probably wake him up right!?

Ugh! Stop thinking before he actually does wake up!

Taking another deep breath, I steady my shaking hand and reach for the hole of his boxers.

Only to be stopped by Owen's hand circling around my wrist.

I look up to his face, sure my expression is one of a deer in headlights. I blink twice before he says something.

"Sang? What are you doing?"

I answer his question with silence, looking back and forth between him and the tent in his boxers that gives a jump whenever my eyes are on it.

"Sang, you know you don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with," he tells me.

"I know," my voice low and husky. "I want to."

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