Chapter 10: Moonlight

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I noticed the look Raven gave Axel, I also noticed how Axel directed his attention to me. Whatever they are planning will not bode well for the poor unlucky soul they choose. The smirk Raven gives before looking to Sang speaks of complete mischief.

I'd heard of Sang before today, although nothing I've heard actually prepared me for meeting her. From what I've been told by my brothers who have met her, she's smart, kind and soft spoken. What they conveniently forgot to mention is that she's beautiful, it's subtle but it's definitely there. I tune out their conversation to examine her further, plus they're speaking in Russian so I wouldn't understand them anyway. The information I've gathered tonight tells me that while she's soft spoken, she's more than capable enough to take care of herself. Which was probably my main concern when I came downstairs and saw her sitting there next to Victor. They haven't said so, but I'm sure more than one of my brothers are quite taken with her; and seeing as how diverse we all are, for more than one of us to be attracted to the same girl is definitely worth looking into.

I tune back into the conversation at Marc's exclamation of "holy shit". Apparently Raven has dared Sang to take a body me! Holy shit is right! Will she do it? Would I mind if she did? She's an enigma. Her personality tonight contradicts what I've been told. I suppose some of that could be attributed to the alcohol, seeing as how she's never really drank before coming to college, but still.

She seems to be gathering up all of her courage before turning to Kayli and asking her, how to take a body shot. Well this is a surprise. While she placates Gabriel, and banters with Sean, I see her relax more. It's good to see her relax, she shouldn't be so tense for someone her age; although, it wouldn't hurt to get her a little flustered.

After Kayli comes back from the kitchen telling me to take off my shirt, I send Sang a wink before I comply. I can only feel her eyes roam over my body, and if I'm being completely honest, it makes my dick stir in my jeans. As I lay on the floor per Kayli's instruction, with Sang sitting next to me, I notice her tense up a bit. I almost cannot control the look of amusement that graces my face, but of course I want her to see it, and make no more to hide it.

This seems to have the desired effect, as her courage comes right back in the form of a devilish smirk and a wink. As she dives down for the shot, the few hairs that cannot be tamed by her clip skim across my flesh. The feeling is lusciously foreign, and completely welcome, causing me to stiffen. Like any hot blooded 21-year-old I've had my fair share of women, however none of them have elicited this response from my aching groin; which only gets worse when she licks the salt off my abs. The slow movements of her tongue lapping up every grain of salt causes me to become uncomfortably tight in my jeans; which only becomes worse as her hair tickles my chest as she comes up to retrieve the lime wedge. As her lips brush mine I fight the urge to move my hand to the back of her neck and give her a kiss she will never forget. Seeing her suck the juice from the lime in her triumph makes me think of what else she can suck and I mentally chastise myself for even thinking it. I excuse myself to the bathroom to calm down, although no one really notices. All eyes are on the tiny little bombshell that has invaded our lives. What is this girl doing to us?


After my dare, things pretty much mellowed out. We popped in a movie and just sat around talking and getting to know each other better. Kayli and I didn't talk too much about our past, only that it wasn't the best and we were happy to be away from there. Kayli told the guys about her little brother, he really is her world.

It was after midnight when Kayli and I decided to head back to our dorm. Half the guys were knocked out and the other half had a really good buzz going. North and Brandon ended up walking us back, we tried to tell them that we could take care of ourselves but they wouldn't hear of it.

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