Chapter 31: The Grumpy Teddy Bear

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Kota, Luke, and I are working in a group on our Algebra assignment, Tuesday afternoon, when I get a text from North. I haven't seen the guys much outside of class since the whole Academy thing Saturday night; too worked up about actually having to steal something from one of the guys without them noticing, then to put it back! It's extremely nerve wracking, and a little difficult for someone who can't lie to save her life. I'm brought out of my musing when my phone vibrates again. Pulling it out of my pocket, I hide it under my desk so Professor Sacks won't see.

North: Hey Sang Baby.

North: I hope my idiot brother isn't bugging you too much.

"Hey!" Lucian exclaims quietly. "I do not bug you, do I cupcake?"

I place my hand over my mouth, suppressing my giggles while shaking my head at Lucian.

Me: He's no bother. How are you?

North: I'm good baby. I just wanted to know if you were doing anything after class.

Me: Nope, I'm free. All caught up on my work too.

North: Good girl. I'll see you after class.

Me: Ok North Star.

I put my phone away and get back to the math problems.

As I'm putting my stuff away when the class is over, one of the guys that sit in back comes up to me and asks about the homework. He says he was too focused on the problems to write it down in time. I quickly write it down and give it to him before putting my bag over my shoulders.

When I walk out of the class with Luke and Kota, I see North standing on the opposite wall with a scowl. He grabs up my hand and drags me away from the boys, not giving me time to say goodbye. We walk a good distance away from the building with me being quiet, knowing North wouldn't be mad without a reason, before we stop behind the Rec building.

North turns to me, still fuming and asks, "Who was that guy?"


"Who was that guy?" I ask her.

"What guy?" She asks with a tilt of her head.

"The guy in your math class!" I shout at her.

"I don't know." She shrugs her shoulders, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Don't lie to me Sang. If you don't wanna tell me then say that but don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying North, I don't know who he is."

"Then what did you write on that paper!?"

"He was asking for the homework assignment North." She says as she crosses her arms. "He didn't write it down so I copied it for him. Why are you so angry?"

"I'm not, ok? Just forget it, it's nothing." I tell her shaking my head.

God what is with me? Why am I acting like such a possessive dick? She's not even mine, not just mine anyway. We agreed that we'd share her, we'd all date her, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want it to be just me. The thought brings a frown to my face. We agreed...they're my family. I turn away from her and start to walk away when I feel her little hand on my bicep.

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