Chapter 51: Obsticles

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Waking up at the ass crack of dawn and dragging myself out of bed to get to the campus entryway at 6am was so not what I had planned for this lovely Black Friday morning. Sleeping in and then watching movies with the guys later? Yeah, that's what I'd rather be doing. But I actually want to get into the Academy, which means doing the work. Sang's not gonna pick up my slack anymore, and I have to prove to her that I'm worth her time and friendship. Ever since we got to the entrance, she's been talking with Lake. Sure she hasn't directly ignored me, but at least yesterday we were having conversations that were more than two words. I miss us. Hopefully today I can find a way to fix this.

A few minutes after the last person joins us, a large bus comes rumbling down the street. When it stops in front of us, the door pops open to show Mrs. Rose in the driver's seat with Dr. Roberts standing right next to her.

"Good morning," he greets us. "I'm sure you're all wondering what you'll be doing today, unfortunately for you, you won't find out until we get to our destination."

That smile on your face doesn't look too disappointed. What is with these Academy people? Do they just get off on springing weird things on unsuspecting people?

"Come on now, everyone on the bus," he exclaims in a chipper voice. "There is assigned seating, your names will be on the chair that's yours."

Some of the guys groan, but we all get on the bus anyway. There are two rows of two seats with a small aisle in the middle, just big enough for us to walk through. Looking down at the seats, I can see that a few rows get skipped between each paired seat. I don't find my name until I get to the back of the bus. It's the aisle seat on the left side, with Sang's name placed in the window seat next to it.

Behind me, Sang looks at the seats before telling Lake they'll finish up their conversation later. I step to the side as much as I can, and allow her to go in front of me. She gives me a quiet "thank you" as she walks past and takes her seat.

As I take my seat next to her, she pulls her phone and headphones out of her pockets. These aren't the beats that Victor got for her, but the small white earbuds that usually come with IPhones. She plugs them into her phone before placing the right earbud in her ear and holding the left one out to me.

"We don't know how long we're gonna be on here. Might as well watch something to keep our eyes open right?"

My eyes widen a fraction. This is the first time she actually gone out of her way to do something for me. Maybe I still have a chance.

"Thanks," I reply with a smile.

Placing the earbud in my ear, I watch as she brings up Netflix and plays the next episode of Project Runway.

"Gabriel and I usually watch this," she tells me. "Well, I watch. He usually just makes fun of their lack of skill and creativity."

"You really like them don't you?"

"Yeah," she turns to look at me after a moment. "I do."

I nod as she turns her attention back to her phone. For the next hour and a half, we're quietly watching these "designers" make something from nothing, and personally, with the way some of these outfits turned out, I'd have perfer it to stay as nothing.

Right before the second elimination, the bus comes rumbling to a stop and Sang pauses the show. Looking out of the windows I try to see where we've arrived. To the left is nothing but an empty dirt field. To the right is a massive log wall with double doors in it's center. The wall extends further than the bus allows me to see.

"We have arrived," Dr. Roberts announces. "Everyone, reach under the chair in front of you and grab the bag that's tapped there. When we get inside of the building, I want you all to go to your respective bathrooms and change into what is in the bag. As soon as you're done, meet us back in the lobby."

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