Chapter 50: Happy Thanksgiving

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**Sorry, this is super unedited. It's my mom's birthday and I didn't have too much time this week. Enjoy! Feel free to point out any errors**


 The next morning, I'm up early to get myself ready for the day ahead. Not knowing what to expect, after showering, I dress in a plain pair of jeans, a long sleeved t-shirt and sneakers. Kayli's managed to get herself together without any prodding from me, and together we head out to the rec building.

When we walk in, the place is jam packed with people and tables, and the glorious smell of food. Even though Dr. Roberts told us to be here by 7, these people have obviously been here for at least an hour. We quickly make our way over to Dr. Roberts, where he seems to be directing everyone. I can see Marc and Corey loading boxes at a table on the right, while Raven and Axel take the pre loaded boxes out of a side door that's been propped open.

It's a good this we're in the south. It'd be freezing if this were Illinois.

"Ah, Sang, Kayli. Glad you decided to stay." Dr. Roberts greets us. "I know the way I worded things yesterday may have seemed a bit harsh, but this is what the Academy requires of its members. We often have to drop previous engagements at the drop of a hat. This is a taxing commitment, but one I believe is worth it with my whole heart."

"Well, we were staying on campus regardless." Kayli comments. "At least this gives us something useful to do."

"Well put." Dr. Roberts responds with a strained smile. "Why don't you two go help Lake with packaging?"

"Could I help Corey and Marc instead?" Kayli asks.

"I think they can handle it." He answers with finality. "Lake could really use your help."

Before Kayli can say anything else, I intervene. "We'd be happy to."

Giving him a small smile, I tug Kayli over in the direction I last saw Lake. We're about 5 tables away from Corey and Marc, and while they seem fine, Kayli doesn't look too happy about it.

"Kayli, this is Lake," I introduce them. "Lake, this is my roommate Kayli."

"Nice to meet you," Lake says in a low voice.

"Yeah, you too," Kayli responds. "You were with Sang in the dance thing last weekend right? You guys were good. Did way better than those skanks who run the group."

"Uh, thanks." Lake replies with a shy smile.

"Look, you and Sang have this under control right? Would you hate it if I didn't work with you guys?"

"Kayli," I scowl at her. "Dr. Roberts told us to work with Lake. I get that you want to spend time with your guys, but at least they're still here, you'll get to see them later. Now get off that high horse and start putting in the work, I'm not going to save you anymore."

Without waiting to see her response, I set up shop on the opposite side of Lake, and start packing the containers of food in the boxes. Every few minutes, there's people coming in from upstairs bringing more food in containers that need to be boxed up.

About an hour later, I'm really getting into the rhythm of things, and Kayli's even removed the chip on her shoulder long enough for the three of us to joke around and have a good time. We learn a bit more about Lake, where she's from (Indiana), what her major is (child care development), her favorite t.v. show (project runway). We even talk about a bunch of mundane things like music, and sports. I'm having a great time...until my phone starts to ping with incoming text messages.

52: Sang? Please talk to us, we're really sorry, we thought you knew.

Superman: Aggele, I'm so sorry. If I had known...

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