Chapter 16: Shopping Extravaganza

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I catch up with Axel as he's about to leave the house Saturday morning.

"Aye, where you off to?" I ask him.

"Shopping trip with Kayli and Sang."

"Awesome, I'm in."

"Since when do you like to go shopping?"

"I don't, but I do like to see beautiful women modelling." I say with a cheeky grin.


I shrug and we get into Axel's car.


I wake up Saturday morning to aching cramps and pounding on my door.

"Ugh! What!?" I scream at the door, not bothering to get up or open my eyes.

"Sang? It's Gabriel."

I hear Kayli chuckle as she gets out of bed and opens the door.

"Forgive her, she's a bit cranky this morning."

I open my eyes to see Gabriel walk into the room holding two bowls of Tupperware.

"I come baring gifts." He says giving me a slight smile.

I throw my covers off and stand up to stretch.

"Thanks Meanie, you can put it over here." I tell him while moving to my desk to get a new pad. "I'll be right back."

I grab my towel and a change of clothes and head to the bathroom. When I get back, I feel refreshed but still in pain. I see Kayli at her desk finishing off her pancakes and eggs, and Gabriel's in my closet mumbling to himself. I walk over to my desk and sit down to open my own bowl. I see three chocolate chip pancakes, eggs and bacon. Wow, Lucian really outdone himself. I'll have to thank him later.

"Hey Gabriel? Can you tell Lucian I say thanks, but there's no way I can eat all this."

Gabriel comes out of my closet and says, "The pancakes are from Luke, the rest is from North. He has this thing about balanced breakfasts. He always gets on Luke about his chocolate addiction, but when Luke told him they were for you, he started pulling out bacon and eggs mumbling about how his Sang Baby doesn't need all that junk."

"Aww isn't he a sweet little grumpy bear." Kayli comments while getting her shower stuff.

"Don't let him hear you say that." Gabriel says while sitting on my bed.

"Hey Gabriel, can you pass me my phone?"

"Sure Trouble."

He tosses me my phone and I open up a text to North and Lucian.

Me: Thanks for the breakfast guys, it really helps.

Lucian: Any time Cupcake. You feeling better?

North Star: No problem Sang Baby. Is everything alright?

Me: Getting there, thanks. I'm ok North, just some female issues.

Lucian: ????

North Star: You aren't this stupid Luke.

Lucian:, feel better Cupcake. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

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