Chapter 13: Study Date

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I wake up the next morning in a daze, unceremoniously feeling like I did last Saturday. This time, just like before, I fell asleep with Kayli in my arms, and wake up with her gone.

**Flashback - Morning After Game Night**

Waking up its seriously quiet. Hmm Kayli doesn't snore, that's good to know. I wonder if she'd wanna have breakfast before heading back to her room.

"Morning beautiful." I say while rolling over to face her.

Or I would've been facing her if she were in the bed.

"Kayli?" I call out sitting up.

Looking over at the table, I see that her stuff is gone. I guess she left...but when? Why? Did I do something to make her think she had to leave? Did I do something embarrassing in my sleep? I know I don't snore, years of living with Corey confirmed that. I thought we had a good time. Maybe she just needed to be somewhere and didn't want to wake me? Yea, that's it. Coming to the logical conclusion that she had somewhere she had to be, I pick up my phone to text her, only to see a message from her already waiting.

Kayli: Hey, sorry I left without telling you. Sang needed me for something. Enjoy the rest of your day, last night was great. - Kay

See, logical explanation. Sang needed her. It would've been nice to wake up next to her though. Where the hell are these thoughts coming from? I shake my head to clear the thought's I've never had for anybody. Time to get shit done, wonder if North has time to come with me today...

**End Flashback**

Shaking my head at the memory I glance at the clock. Shit, I've got 30 minutes till my class starts. I gotta get moving, can't spend time with Kayli if I'm busy catching up on work...If she even wants to see me...


Owen and I decided to meet up at the library before Sang showed up to change up our plan. Originally we were all going to meet up at the library, go over some stuff with Owen that he most likely already knew, then I would get a message or a phone call saying I had to leave early. Which would then leave the two of them alone to get to know each other. Sang knew absolutely none of this of course, she thought we were just going to go over the class material with him. Little does she know, Owen already knows all of this stuff, he could probably recite it in his sleep if she asked.

This whole thing was actually Owen's idea. When she got up to go to the bathroom yesterday, he told me that he wanted to know more about, and I quote "the little bird who's turning his team upside down." Personally, I don't think she's done much, but from what I hear around the house, she has definitely shaken things up.

To be completely honest, so has her little friend Kayli. No one on my team has said anything outright, but there have been some changes since they met Kayli. I can definitely understand why, if that little dance she gave me last week was any indication of how she is normally. She's strong willed, confident, and sexy as all hell. That night would've ended a lot different if there had been less people around.

Owen and I find a secluded spot towards the back, with four comfortable armchairs and a waist level circular table in the middle. We take a seat and drop our books on the table.

"So what are we going to do about Kayli?" Owen asks me.

"Leave Kayli to me. She needs help on an English assignment, I'll be more than happy to lend my expertise." I tell him with a cheeky grin

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