Chapter 5: Time for Fun!

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I'm walking through the field of roses with Victor, I no longer see the nine. He tries to tell me something but his voice gets lost to the wind. He lets go of my hand and starts to walk backwards, "Victor?" I ask. He says something else that I can't hear, the wind raging on around us, ripping the flowers from their place. "Victor!" I scream. "Come to me Princess." He says. I try to move but find I am unable; he's still moving backwards. "Come to me." "Victor!" I cry, "Victor don't leave!" "Princess..." "Please! Victor!" Victor is blown away by the wind and I'm left alone, crying and sobbing his name in the middle of the windstorm. "Victor..."

I awake in my room, tangled in my blankets. At least I didn't wake Kayli this time. The dream leaves me with an uneasy feeling, I don't want Victor to leave me, he said he'd be my friend. He kissed me he wouldn't leave...would he? I try and shake off the dream as I notice the time. Nathan should be here soon to take me swimming, I can't let him see how shaken I am. I get up and gather my things for a quick shower, I don't bother washing my hair since it'll get chlorine in it later. Just as I'm finished getting ready there's a knock on the door that wakes Kayli.

"Where are you going?" She asks me.

"Nathan's taking me swimming."

"There's a pool here? I'll have to ask Corey to take me sometime."

"You can come with us." I suggest.

"No, that's ok. You go have fun on your date."

"It's not a date." I tell her while opening the door.

"Sure it's not. Keep her safe Nathan!"

"Always." Nathan says, "Ready to go?" he asks me.

"Ready." I tell him with a smile.


When I pick Sang up from her room she was wearing a deep red cover up. I may not have told her my favorite color yet, but I'm still gonna think she wore it just for me. Hey for all I know she could have super-secret favorite color knowing powers or something. I figured it be easier for me to just ask her and find out.

"Hey Sang, did you know my favorite color is red?" This really adorable blush crosses her cheeks when she replied.

"I could kinda tell." Then she giggled, oh that giggle. It's like the sweetest kind of music.

"How's that?" I asked her.

She raised her perfect little eyebrow and tilted her head to look at me, then said "Oh, just a hunch." and blessed me with another giggle.

I took a moment to look down at myself and saw my red and black sneakers with my red and black swim trunks and my red t-shirt. Then I remembered when I met her yesterday and realized I was wearing pretty much the same thing then too.

"Haha ok I see your point. Come on, let's get to the pool."

When we arrived, the place was deserted. I loved times like this, an empty pool with a beautiful girl; life was looking good. Sang kicked off her sandals while I took off my sneakers and socks. Just as I was standing back up, I caught Sang grabbing the bottom of her cover up (which she did wear for me) to pull it over her head and reveal the sexiest little bikini I have ever seen. It was black with pink polka dots on the top, the bottom, a normal black bikini with a pink skirt attached to it. She looked amazing but I knew I had to stop looking before my thoughts turned from innocent and playful to guilty and lustful.

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