Chapter 18: Sweet Dreams and Horrible Nightmares

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The water feels so warm around me. I feel free, light, nothing can harm me. "Come to me Aggele Mou!" Silas! "Silas! Where are you?" I call looking around for him. "Come find me Aggele!" "Baby! Come over here!" North! "North! North Star where are you?" "Come find us Aggele!" "Silas! North!" I turn around searching the endless waters for them. Where could they be? Why can't I see them? "North! Silas!" "Aggele!" "Baby!" "Come out guys! This isn't funny!" Why are they hiding from me? Where could they be? I feel a tugging on my leg, just barely managing to pull it free. "Guys this isn't funny! Where are you?" "We're here Aggele" whispers across the wind. I'm searching frantically but can't find them anywhere. I feel the tugging on my leg again and start to panic. It can't be them. They wouldn't try to hurt me. But where are they? "Silas!" I cry out desperately. "North!" My breathing becomes erratic. "Help!" Tears start to cloud my eyes as the tugging becomes more insistent. "You promised! Where are you! You promised!" As I take my last breath of air I'm pulled under the water. The air rushes out of me in a scream.

"Sang!" I'm being shaken, I can't breathe. "Sang! Baby! Wake up!"

"Aggele breathe!"

I take in a huge gasp of air as my eyes shoot open. It was just a dream. I think relieved. Only a dream.

"Baby what the hell was that?" North asks me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I tell him as I try to slow my heart rate. "It was just a dream."

"Like hell! Baby you stopped breathing!" North yells.

"I'm fine North." I insist. "It was just a dream. I'm use to them by now. I'm sorry for waking you both."

"Aggele, you stopped breathing." Silas says in a soothing voice. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine." I insist, "Please don't worry about me."

"Like hell Baby. We told you we'll take care of you. And that's exactly what we intend to do."

"You aren't going to make us go back on our word now, are you Aggele?"

"No... but you really don't need to worry about me. They're normal. I'm use to them by now."

"Fuck that baby. If this is what normally happens when you have nightmares, I'm not sure I'll be able to willingly let you sleep on your own."

"I wouldn't be on my own, North Star. Kayli is usually with me."

"And what does Kayli usually do when you have a nightmare Aggele?"

"Nothing. I usually get up and go for a run depending on the time. If it's still dark out, I usually just go brush my teeth and find something calming to do. I usually can't get back to sleep after one like this."

"Do you wanna talk about it baby?"

"Not really." I mumble.

"Sang." Silas surprises me by using my given name. "We told you that we are here for you. That means always. Even during these nightmares. Please! Let us help you."

With much reluctance I tell them about my nightmare, and how scared I was that I couldn't find them. They look more shaken than I feel.

"Fucking hell baby." North grumbles while pulling me closer. "I want you to promise me something."

"What?" I ask hesitantly.

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