Chapter 24: Trouble in Paradise

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I'm walking out of Algebra with Corey when Axel comes up to us.

"Hey Cor, can I talk to Kayli for a minute?"

Corey looks to me and I give him a shrug.

"I'll catch up with you later hun." I tell him.

He shrugs and gives me a hug.

"I'll call you later Kay."

"So what's up?" I ask Axel after Corey walks away.

"Let's take a walk." He says while taking my bag from me and putting it on his shoulder.

After walking around for a bit, we sit on the bench in front of the rec center watching the sun go down.

"Kayli were cool right? I mean, with what happened last week."

"Yeah, we're good. Is that what's been bothering you? You've been a little off since the party."

"Actually, yeah it is." He says with a laugh. "Which is weird because I've never really worried about this kind of thing before, but I didn't want it to mess up our friendship."

Of course that's what this is about. Typical boy; does something amazing that blows my mind, then worries about how it'll affect our friendship. Well, if he wants to act like it didn't happen, so can I.

"Yeah Axel, everything's cool. Don't worry about it. Doesn't have to happen again, I'll keep it to myself."

"Wait Kayli – "

"No it's cool, I totally get it. We were drinking anyway so it's fine."

"Kayli stop. I'm trying - "

"I get it Axel, it's cool."

"Kay, hush." He says while grabbing my arms. "What I was trying to say is that I didn't want it to be weird if it happened again. With or without Raven. I like you Kayli and I wouldn't want us to do this if you weren't into it."

"Oh." I say dumbly.

"Yeah, oh." He says with a smirk. "So what do you say?"

What do I say? Honestly, if this piece of God's gift to man wants to give me a piece of him occasionally and still wants to be friends, I'm game. I never thought that I'd actually be ok with how all of this is going. I know that me and Brandon haven't talked about what happened after game night since that day with Sang and North, nor have we had a repeat. I really hope he actually is ok with all of this. I wonder if he knows about Raven and Axel.

"Kay? You still with me?" Axel interrupts my musings.

"Yea, I"m here. Sorry, spaced out for a bit, but yea, I think that'd be cool. No problems here." I say with a smile.

"Great. It's getting a little dark, let me walk you to your dorm."


True to his word, Axel is the perfect southern gentleman and walks me to my dorm. He doesn't walk me upstairs, since I'm sure Sang's up there, but he does leave me with a toe curling kiss and bids me goodnight. I stand there for a minute trying to pull myself together and get my head out of the clouds when I hear a voice that sounds like nails on a chalkboard, nasally and annoying.

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