Chapter 15: Quiet Night In

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It's been a week since I've seen Aggele Mou, a week since game night. I haven't gotten any time alone with her; she's been preoccupied with my brothers and school work. Hopefully I can change that this weekend, find a way to spend more time with her. I like her, I really like her. Time to make the call.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

"Silas! Hi!"

"Aggele! Hi, how are you."

"I'm good, how about you? I haven't seen you much lately."

"Yes I know; I was hoping I could change that. Are you busy this tomorrow?"

"Kinda. Some of the guys are talking me and Kayli shopping tomorrow for the Halloween party."

"You're coming to the party?"

"That's the plan."

"Would you mind if I joined you while shopping?"

"Not at all! It'd be great to see you again, even if it is for something as annoying as shopping." She says while laughing.

"Great! I'll get the info from Victor and see you tomorrow."

"Great, bye Silas."

"Bye Aggele."


Perfect, a full day with Aggele Mou. She has no idea what she's in for with Gabe. This should be fun.


After I hang up with Silas, Kayli gives me a knowing look.

"What?" I ask her.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me, you know what! These boys have got it bad for you girl."

"Oh please, like you don't have certain boys vying for your attention?"

"1) That's not the point, and 2) we're not talking about me, we are talking about you. The girl who has never been kissed, and never had a boyfriend in her 19 years of life. Who suddenly, comes to college and has multiple boys trying to have the privilege of being lucky number 1."

"Number 1 in what exactly?"

"Not sure yet, take your pick. First boyfriend, first kiss, first orgasm-"

"Kayli!" I interrupt her with a chop to her neck while laughing.

"First penetration." She laughs while dodging another hit.

"They aren't like that."

"I never said that's all they want." She defends herself, "But they definitely want it."

"Are we going to do laundry or not?"

"Yea, sure, whatever."

We pick up our laundry bins and head down to the basement with my laptop for music. When we get there it's empty. Nobody wants to do their laundry on a Friday night, they're usually out making dirty laundry. 'm actually surprised Kayli's not out right now. She's the one who suggested that we have a quite night in with all the activities the Academy boys have been including us in. It's nice to just have some girl time with my best friend. All this boy drama is making me ca little crazy, I've never had this kind of attention before.

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