Tsukishima X (Bullied) reader

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WOaH I FORGOT ABOUT THIS BOOK LMAO IM SO SORRY! I was at Hanadoki today and i was cosplaying Yachi but i was wearing Tsuki's jersey bc why not LOL, Ehehe. Met some Haikyuu cosplayers too~! Mostly from Nekoma and Aoba Jousai doe and i saw one Tanaka LOL

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Tsukishima was the type of guy to mind his own business and not butt into others. He never deals with anyone's problems unless it's his. For some odd reason though, he was drawn to you. You, (First name) (Last name) had caught his eye for some reason, maybe it was because you always had this look on your face, or maybe it was how you reacted to things.

You were always quiet and never really talked as much. Mostly it was because you were always picked on because of you didn't talk and never really stuck up for yourself. It started when you were a 2nd year at (insert Name) junior high. You thought it would've stopped when you went to Karasuno but it didn't.

"Tsuki! Want to have lunch together today?" A rather cheerful looking freckled boy asked the tall blonde male who had sat across from your seat.

"Stop calling me Tsuki, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima said bluntly as the freckled boy sat down in front of him.

You looked over for a quick second before returning back to your book, flipping through the pages. Your headphones plugged in to block out any other noise, and hopefully avoiding the person who had been harassing you ever since Junior high.

You suddenly felt your ear buds being ripped out of your ear. You turned your head and was met with (Random name), the girl who had been harassing you ever since. Pressing your lips into a thin line as panic rushed through your veins.

"Did you do my homework like I asked?" She asked, narrowing your eyes at you.

You nodded slowly and handed her the sheet of paper, thinking she would've left you there but you were wrong. She slapped the back of your head with a book, glaring down at you.

"Good for nothing. Obedient dog..." She said as she continued hitting your head while everyone watched.

You stayed quiet, enduring the harsh words being thrown at you and the pain that was going onto your head. Everyone kept their eyes on the two of you, whispering to each other. Tsukishima watched you along with Yamaguchi, seeing how you weren't doing anything about what (random name) was doing to you.

"Shouldn't someone stop (random name)?" Yamaguchi asked Tsukishima.

"Huh?! WHAT WAS THAT?"(Random name) yelled throwing her bag at you making your head hit the window, a loud smack echoed through out the classroom.

"Oi. Stop that." A harsh voice said while you looked at the person who said it, Tsukishima.

"Hah? Why should I?" (Random name) asked annoyed at the tall male.

"It's pathetic. A low life like you picking on some girl who isn't even doing anything. How pathetic and sad.. I feel bad for you." Tsuki said, his last words rather mocking towards the girl.

She scoffed and walked off while you rubbed your eyes, looking over at him.

"Thank you..." You said quietly while he looked down at you.

"You have a small cut right here... go to the infirmary and get it cleaned." He said not looking at you before he walked off.

A small smile crept up onto your lips as you packed up your stuff, heading over there. Tsukishima Kei, the guy who had saved you from all that bullying. Maybe he did have a sweet spot.

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Hope you liked it :D

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Asahi X reader Lemon

Tsukishima X (Kuudere) reader

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