Akaashi X reader

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I had a huge writers block for Haikyuu tbh so props to one of my friends in my Journalism class for giving me an idea LOL 

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After a long days of practice, Akaashi would find himself walking past this cafe that had just opened up near his school. He would just look inside and see many students studying, on dates or just buying snacks. Today in particular, he had finals coming up and he needed to study. Studying at his home was out of the picture, knowing he would most likely crash on his bed and fall asleep and going to Bokuto's home was out of the picture as well. He settled for the cafe he often passed by.

The black haired male opened the door and was greeted by the aroma of Coffee and sweet pastries, walking in and taking a seat against the wall, he began to pull out his notebook and books to begin his study session. His stomach growled within a few minutes as he started, the long tiring practices, he realized that he hasn't really eaten much rather than a small breakfast and probably some sweet bread from the cafeteria.

Deciding to get up from his seat, his greyish-blue eyes scanned over the menu looking at the various assortments from Teas, coffee to pastries and desserts. He didn't notice the person standing behind the counter, trying to get his attention.

"Uhm.. sir." The sweet angelic voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked in front of him, seeing a familiar face. (first name) (Last name), he had seen you around school a few times and you were quite well known among his classmates for being cute.

"o-oh. It's You, Akaashi-kun." You said smiling as the usual quiet and emotionless male just gave you a slight smile.

"What can i get you today?" You had asked, giving him a smile while he looked back at the menu. He didn't exactly know what to get, he had never been to this cafe nor his teammates. You let out a soft giggle causing his attention to go back to you.

"Don't know what to get?" The male nodded, feeling a small blush creep up onto his cheeks as he watched you push a loose strand of your (hair color) behind your ear looking up at him.

"Yeah.. I don't know anyone who has been here so i don't know what's good.." He admitted while you made eye contact with him, admiring his tanish skin, his gunmetal blue eyes and the way his hair perfectly framed his face. You almost blushed when you realized you had been staring.

"Uhmm.. I can give you a recommendation, a personal favorite drink of mine.." You suggested and he gave you a soft smile.

"That would be nice." He spoke up making you smile as you grabbed a cup and began to write his name on the cup and handed it to your coworker.

"Three dollars." You said as he handed you a five dollar bill, handing him his change as he walked off waiting for his name to be called.

You looked at the pastries, deciding to give him one or not. You sighed as you contemplated about it before making a decision. You grabbed one of the sweet pastries with the tongs used and placed them in a bag, writing his name on it. Including a small message.

Once his name was called out, he made his way over to you and you handed him his drink and the bag with the pastry.

"I didn't order this (last name)." he said confused while you blushed, handing it to him.

"I-I just thought that you might like this.." You admitted, trying to hide your blush. Akaashi only smiled and bowed politely before walking back to his seat. Looking at the bag, seeing a small note written on it.

'Study hard and good luck on the upcoming game and your finals!! - (last name)'

A smile formed on his lips as he looked to where you were, seeing your beet red face and your coworker laughing at you.

∞ ∞

Hope you liked it :D


Instagram: ItsRinniepooh

Coming Up

Idk i can't remember LOL *just request again if u requested something LOL*

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