Kuroo X reader

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Genre: Angst (sorry y'all LOL)

Authors notes: Guess who is single now LMFAOO. This was kind of what happened between me and my man. Which sucks LOL but i'm single now so i can do whatever now LOL

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Empty, you felt empty and bitter after all of that, knowing he was functioning alright without you hurt even more. It was like stubbing your pinky toe on a piece of furniture, the pain still lingered (That's the worst pain i could think of AHAHA). That one simple text, straightforward and blunt, without an explanation as to why he was ending it all.

From: Kuroo

(First name), I'm just going to go straight to the point and say I'm breaking up with you. It's not your fault so don't blame yourself, it wasn't even that long anyways. I can't handle this anymore, so it's best if we just break up.

Your smile had instantly fell off the face of the earth, the only thing was visible was the tears running down your face and falling onto the screen of your phone. Blinking a few times before looking down at your screen to see if you were reading it correctly. He ended it, without an explanation. He moved on so easily, within a few minutes of sending that he was out with his friends.

It sucked to know that he just erased you from his head like that, he looked so happy without you. No regrets on his face, not even his smile faltering. That's what hurt you most, he seemed like he didn't even want you in the first place.

To: Kuroo

Oh alright, i understand. I hope we could at least be friends.

You were speechless, you didn't even know how to respond to his message but with just the most simple phrase you could think of. Somehow, you felt that it was bound to happen but you thought you were just being negative.

Everything you two went through for the past month together, you were questioning it. Was it all real? Did he even like you? It didn't make sense, handle what? What couldn't he handle? Too many questions were running through your head. The sound of your ringtone going off snapped you out of your thoughts, seeing Kuroo's name on your screen.

From: Kuroo

Of course.

Sighing heavily as you threw your phone across your room, pulling your blanket over your head to just be alone. You wanted to punch Kuroo, you were upset but you felt like that whole relationship was a waste. How he kept ignoring you when he came over to your place to ' hang out'. How he kept pushing you away from him and irritating the shit out of you.

It all made you question your relationship with the scheming captain. But the feeling in your chest on that day felt wrong, like you knew this break up would eventually come. So that was the reason you were mad, but what added to it more was the fact that you had found out he was bad mouthing you behind your back and mocking you.

You heard a knock on your bedroom door, following along with someone shouting your name.

"(first name)!!! It's your one and only BEST FRIEND!!! OPEN UP!" The familiar voice spoke up, while you got out of your covers, walking to the door. Opening it slightly, seeing Bokuto standing there looking at you.

"I thought we were gonna go out today, so i came to pick you up-... are you okay?" He asked, his voice softening as he saw your dried tears. Bokuto didn't hesitate as he pushed the door open.

"Kuroo broke up with me. Over text." You gritted through your teeth, trying to prevent your tears from falling. It hurt to know that you got dumped over text, in the worst way and knowing that person just caused you pain rather than joy.

"(First name)... I'm so sorry.." Bokuto said frowning as he pulled you into a hug while you sighed,burying your face into his chest.

"It's whatever now. Let's go out? I'll just get ready." You said looking up at the owl like male who patted your head.

"(First name), he didn't deserve you then. But anyways, take your time." He spoke up while you nodded, giving him a smile.

Once you were finished getting ready, Bokuto had taken you out to the new places near the beach. It had been hot all week, so why not spend a lovely day at the beach. Especially with your best friend, you let out a laugh as Bokuto was amazed by all the food around. He grinned at you as he slung his arm over your shoulders, pulling you to his chest.

"(First name)-chan~! What should we get? I want dessert!" He spoke up, while your eyes had widen at a familiar face. There he was, Kuroo. He was with his friends with a bright smile on his face, not once faltering.

"What was (last name) Like?" You heard one of the males spoke up, they were behind you. You didn't bother to turn around, all you did was grip Bokuto's shirt tighter. The white haired male seemed to notice as you were staring down at the floor. He turned his head slightly seeing Kuroo behind him with a few friends.

"Boring. I wasn't even sure if i liked her." Kuroo answered, while Bokuto was pissed. You shook your head, signaling him to not do anything. He only sighed and kept his arm around you, his hand patting the top of your head.

Heartbreaks were painful, but what hurt more is knowing that the other was unsure of their own feelings. It felt like as if you were just a toy, but to know that all that person did was bad mouth you. It was the worst.

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Hope you liked it :D


Instagram: ItsRinniepooh

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