thirty five

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So far my morning has been very productive. I woke up at four and went to the gym for two hours, I came back to the house and made my baby breakfast in bed, Dinah and I did laundry and now I'm dropping Dinah off at the dance studio. It wasn't planned but Dinah and I have on matching outfits and we look pretty fly.

When we got to the dance studio I got Dinah's bag out of the backseat and carried it inside for her. I took it upstairs to the dance studio where Dinah would be teaching. I spun Dinah around and did this cute little dip.

"Smooth one mister." Dinah said.

"So this is where you're at now?" I asked.

"Yep, Zendaya and Ally teach the younger kids and I teach the little ones. Normani comes in and watches us from time to time." Dinah said.

"That's cool maybe one day I'll come in and show the kids how to dance." I said.

"None of that strip club stuff Y/N." Dinah said.

"I'll only do those moves for you baby." I said.

"You betta." Dinah said.

"Alright boss lady, I'm gonna head to my parents house but I'll come later to bring you some lunch." I said.

"Okay babe I'll see you later." Dinah said.

I gave Dinah a kiss and left before the little munchkins started coming in. I got in my car and went to McDonalds to get a smoothie, I don't like McDonalds food but I like their smoothies. When I pulled up to my parents house my dad had the garage door up and he just lifted the hood on the mustang. I got out of the car and walked in the garage, "You actually made it." Dad said.

"I keep my promises dad. I'm gonna go say hey to mom right quick and and I'll be right back." I said.

I went in the house through the garage and went straight to the kitchen. My mom was sitting at the table making her grocery list.

"Hey mama." I said.

My mom looked up and said, "Hey Junior how's it going?" She asked.

"Pretty good, I see you're making your grocery list." I said.

"Yep. Your daddy wants smothered pork chops for Sunday dinner so I need to run to the store and get some things." Mom said.

"Do you need any money?" I asked.

"No we are okay Junior but thanks for offering." Mom said.

I took my wallet out of my back pocket and took out a few hundred dollar bills. I placed them in my mom's hand and kissed her on the cheek, "There you go mama." I said.

"If you and Dinah aren't busy tomorrow you can have dinner with us." Mom said.

"Okay mama we'll be here." I said.

I gave my mom a hug and went upstairs to my old room. It's been awhile since I've been here and it still looks the same, aside from the missing pieces of furniture. The reason I'm in my room is because I left some money here and in here to get it. I always kept some money at the house in case I couldn't get to the bank. I stashed money in an old shoe box, in one of my lamps, a piggyback, behind one of my posters, and in the medicine cabinet. I had almost three thousands saved up at home. I used the bathroom and went back downstairs to help my dad out.

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