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⬆️Your Outfit⬆️


When you tell your homeboy to meet you at the basketball court to shoot some hoops but he shows up late. We don't have school today and this is the only free day I have this week and I just want to shoot some hops with the guys. Skylar is still at our aunt's house and my mom is at home with her nurse chilling.

We went to the doctor this morning and I asked her doctor about my mom's forgetfulness lately and the doctor explained that it's common for people with cancer to have forgetful moments. The best thing Porsha and I can do is try to keep my mom's brain as sharp as possible. It's getting scarier everyday and I just know that the end is near.

"Sorry I'm late bro I overslept." Arin said as he came over to me.

"Mmhm you were just trying to delay this beatdown I'm about to put on you." I said.

"Whatever, first one to 22 wins." Arin said.

"Let's get it." I said.

Arin yanked the ball out of my hand and ran it down the court. He tried to dunk but he fell a little short. I stole the ball and showed my short little friend how to dunk. I thought that Arin was going to go all out but he was little more reserved than he usually was. In the end I whooped Arin's ass and he was perfectly cool with it.

"What's wrong with you bro?" I asked.

"Nothing." Arin said.

"Yeah it is. The only time you left me win is when you're mad, you got something on your mind, or you just not feeling it. So which one is it?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you about something and I don't want you to get mad." Arin said.

"Dude just say what you need to say." I said.

"Okay. Well a few nights ago I took Normani on a date. I know that you like her and if you still want to be with her I'll get out of the way." Arin said.

"You can have her." I said.

"What? I thought you were really interested in her?" Arin asked.

"Normani made her choice. I guess I wasn't want she wanted. If you want to be with her go for it I don't care." I said.

I took the ball and spun it on my finger. Arin took the ball from me and asked, "Are we really about to let a girl come in between us?"

"My mom is dying Arin. I have a lot more important things on my plate. I'm not going to waste my time with a girl who doesn't even want me. Right now my mother and my sister are the most important women in my life. If you want to be with Normani, go for it. At least one of us deserves to be happy." I said.

"You deserve to be happy too Y/N." Arin said.

"It'll happen when it's supposed to happen." I said.

"So we cool?" Arin asked.

"Yeah we're cool." I said.

Arin and I fist bumped and all was good between us. Yeah I'm a little disappointed that Normani didn't give me a chance but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. But I'm glad that I still have my best friend. We were able to sit down like men and handle the situation.

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