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I'm laying in my bed next to the most amazing girlfriend in the world yet I feel like shit. Dinah's over here peacefully sleeping while my conscious kicking my ass. I eased out of bed and put on a pair of boxers and a pair of sweats. I walked down the hall and peeked in Skylar's room to make sure she was okay. I went downstairs into the garage and sat in my dad's car. That's where I go when I want to clear my head.

I put my head on the steering wheel and sat there in total silence. Dinah is a great girl and she doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

I was starting to regret not wearing a shirt because it was strangely cold in the car. I looked in the backseat to see if I had a spare shirt back there but I didn't. When I turned back to the front there was a woman who resembled my mom sitting in the passengers seat.

"Boo." She said.

That shit scared me so bad I go out of the car and went back in the house. I went into the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator so I could get a bottle of water. My hands were shaking so bad I could barely twist the lid off the bottle. Once I got the lid off I chugged it. When I closed the refrigerator door my mom was leaning against the counter as cool as can be.

"Look I don't know what's going on but get away from me." I said.

She took a step closer to me and said, "Junior relax, it's me."

"Stop fucking with my head okay. You're not really here right now this is some sort of a bad dream." I said.

"Junior you're not dreaming okay. I'm really here and I'm not here to hurt you, I'd never do that." Mom said.

At this point I was freaking the hell out and my breathing was pretty fucked up. My mom placed her hand on my shoulder and this calm peaceful feeling took over my body. "See Y/N I got you." Mom said.

"But you're dead mom." I said.

"Good job Captain Obvious. Yes I'm dead but I'm ghost now. My soul is trapped in this house and at first I wanted to be set free but now that I see the way that you're acting, mama's gonna stay around and help you get your shit together." Mom said.

Once I was fully calmed down I took s minute to look at mom. She was the most beautiful ghost I had ever seen. She didn't look sick at all, she looked like her normal healthy self.

My mom walked over to me and smacked me in the back of the head. "What was that for?" I asked.

"For being the stupid boy I know. Not only did you cheat on Dinah who's been there do your stupid ass, you cheated on her with her best friend. You couldn't hook up with a random bitch you had to get with her friend. And you didn't use a condom. Your father and I raised you better than this Y/N." Mom said.

"I know that I messed up mama but I plan on telling her the truth soon. It's gonna hurt her but it's my fault and I have to deal with that." Mom said.

"She's totally gonna dump you after you tell her." Mom said.

"Thanks for making me feel better mama." I said sarcastically.

"Boy I don't sugarcoat nothing, that's not my style." Mom said.

I went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Mom was right behind me, she took a seat in her recliner and crossed her leg like she used to all the time when she was here.

"Junior for some reason I always imagined you having a boyfriend I don't know why." Mom said.

"Seriously mama?" I asked.

I Got You (Normani/You/Dinah)Where stories live. Discover now