twenty six

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Dinah's POV

The longer I sit in this hospital waiting to here about Y/N the more worried I get about Y/N. This no way for anyone to spend Christmas, especially not in a hospital. It's me, Skylar and Simone, I've called April and let her know what happened and she said she was on her way. I haven't told any of our friends because I don't want to ruin their Christmas.

Skylar's sitting in my lap with her head on my chest, she said she was cold so I took off my bomber jacket and wrapped it around her. "Is that better baby girl?" I asked.

"Mmhm." Skylar said.

"Okay if you need anything just let me know." I said.

"I just want my daddy to live, that's all I want for Christmas." Skylar said.

"That's all I want too Skylar." I said.

Even though Y/N hates me I still have a special place in my heart for him. Not only was he the best boyfriend I ever had but he's my best friend. Our relationship may have been brief but we had some great times when we were together. If it wasn't for Y/N wouldn't I'd still be hiding my smile. Even though I hated my smile Y/N loved it. Y/N was the first guy that really liked me for me, curves and all. He was even cool with the fact I had a bunch of siblings. I wish that Y/N and I could go back to where we were before Y/N messed things up.

I didn't realize that I was crying until Skylar was wiping the tears off my cheeks. "What are you crying about Dinah?" Skylar asked.

"I was just thinking about Y/N for a minute that's all." I said.

"Do you still love him?" Skylar asked.

"Of course I do Skylar, I'll always love your brother." I said.

"If he makes it, promise me you'll give Y/N a chance. He still loves you and he's sorry for what he did. Y/N may look happy on the outside but he's miserable on the inside. Dad's not coming until next month, mommy's giving up on him, and things between him and Mani are mess. He doesn't have anyone to be there for them, all he wants is you Dinah."

"I'll see what I can do princess. Before we can think about relationships or anything, we have to make sure Y/N gets better." I said.

"Okay." Skylar said.

Yasmine got up and went to the nurses station to see what was going on. Of course they were being difficult and didn't want to give us any information. Where we were sitting in the waiting room was right in front of the elevator so we were able to see who was coming out. April showed up and she had Mark with her, Yasmine got up and started charging towards him. Luckily Simone was able to grab Yasmine and get her i the elevator before she swung on Mark.

Skylar was holding on to me for dear life when she way Mark coming words her.

"Dinah what happened?" April asked.

"I think you know what happened. You let this guy beat your son up and you did nothing but take his side. That's pretty fucked up April, I thought you were better than that." I said.

"You need to watch your mouth." Mark said.

"You need to watch who the hell you're talking! You don't know me I'll beat that ass with no problem. Your lips will make it to the OR before the rest of your body does." I said.

"Dinah what happened to him?" April asked.

"We were at his place and he got up to do something next thing you know he's lying on the flirt with no pulse. Y/N technically died for a minute. Now I don't know what's gonna happen to him now." I said.

"I'm looking for the family of Y/N Y/L/N Jr."

I stood up and walked over to the female doctor that was standing in the corridor. "I'm Y/N's mother." April said.

"Okay ma'am, I'm Dr. Banks. Your som is lucky to be alive. If the paramedics had got there a minute later he would've been dead. He has a really nasty concussion so we're gonna keep him here for a couple of day. But he also has two broken ribs so we have to take care of that. It's gonna take a lot of time and rest but he should make a full recovery." The doctor explained.

"How soon can I see him?" I asked.

"You can see him now. But I need to know how did he get injured so bad?" Dr. Banks asked.

"The asshole standing next to me beat him up. If it's possible I want charges pressed against this asshole." I said.

"Who are you?" Dr. Banks asked.

"She's my mommy and we'd like to go see my daddy now, please." Skylar said.

Dr. Banks smiled, "Sure thing princess, follow me you guys." She said.

Dr. Banks led us down the hallway to Y/N's room. When we walked in Y/N was laying in bed, he couldn't see because his eyes were now swollen shut. "Daddy I'm here." Skylar said.

Y/N smiled when he heard Skylar's voice, "H-H-Hey S-Sky." He said.

"Can I hug you?" Skylar asked.

"Yes." Y/N said.

I carried Skylar over to the bed and sat her down being carefully not to put her on Y/N's injured side. She laid her head on Y/N's chest and held his hand.

"D-Dinah?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah how'd you know it was me?" I asked.

"Y-Y-Your p-perfume." Y/N said.

I sat down by Y/N's bedside and started running my fingers through his hair. I sat up so I could give him a kiss on the forehead. Y/N didn't do anything but lay there and smile.

"You really had us scared for a minute Y/N. When you passed out I didn't know what to think." I said.

"Yeah you scared us Y/N." Skylar said.

"S-Sorry." Y/N said.

"It's alright baby. You're alive and that's all that matters right now. When you get out of here I'm gonna take care of you. I promise that I won't leave your side." I said.

"R-Really D-Dinah?" Y/N asked.

"Of course. I will not rest until you are back in tip top shape. So get ready because I'm going to be around quite often." I said.

Y/N brought my hand to his lip and kissed it. Skylar sat up to give him a kiss on the cheek. Y/N let us know that he was getting tired so we sat back and let him get some sleep. April had the nerve to come in a play the sorry upset mother but Skylar let her know how she felt. Skylar told the doctor that she didn't have a mom and that she didn't who the woman was in the room. Security guards had to come in and escorts April out. Then the cops showed up and arrested Mark's bitch ass. Maybe while he's locked up someone wi bet his ass like he beat Y/N.

I don't what's going to happen to Y/N while he recovers but he won't go through it alone.


Y/N's fine, minus his slight stuttering problem

Thanks for reading, tell me what you think ☺️

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