twenty five

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It's my first Christmas in my new apartment and I feel pretty good. At first I didn't want to do anything but Skylar and Yasmine convinced me to do something, now here we are. We have a cute little Christmas tree in the corner, there's decorations all over the place, Yasmine and I are cooking, and Skylar's decorating the cookies. Dad Skyped us this morning and let us know that he would be home until after the New Year. We were kinda bummed because we were looking forward to having dad home for Christmas. But it's only a few more weeks so I think we can make it.

Yasmine tells me that she has someone that she wants me to meet and Skylar tells me that's she's got a surprise guest coming over later on. I'm not liking all these surprises that my sisters are throwing at me but I'm keeping an open mind through this whole thing.

"Yasmine who do you want me to meet?" I asked.

"Someone special, that's all you need to know." Yasmine said.

"Whoever this special someone is, I don't like them already." I said.

Yasmine patted me on the shoulder, "Calm down little bro everything will be fine." She said.

"Mmhm sure." I looked over at Skylar and asked, "Who you got coming to dinner?"

"Your future wife." Skylar said.

"Haha you got jokes." I said sarcastically.

"You'll thank me for this one bro." Skylar said.

"I swear you two are gonna drive me crazy." I said.

I went into the living room and sat down in my recliner. I was racking my brain trying to figure out who Skylar was gonna have over for dinner. My gut is telling me that it's Dinah but I doubt that, she's probably cuddled up with Lauren right now. I texted her and wished her Merry Christmas and she actually responded back. There was a knock at the and before I could stand up to get it Yasmine ran around the corner.

Skylar hopped in my lap and said, "She's crazy."

"Yeah she is." I said.

Yasmine came into the living room with a girl that I had never seen before. "Yasmine who is this?" I asked.

"This is Simone, my girlfriend." Yasmine said.

"Say what?" Skylar and I said at the same time.

"Your girlfriend, as in we do more than go shopping and get our nails done together kind of girlfriends?" I asked.

"Yep." Yasmine said.

"But I thought you liked boys." Skylar said.

"I play for both teams little one." Yasmine said.

"Well as long as you're happy that's all that matters." I stood up and shook Simone's hand, "Nice to meet you Simone, I'm glad that you're spending Christmas with us." I said.

"But you're not off the hook just yet Simone, have a seat so my brother and I can ask you some questions."
Skylar said.

Yasmine groaned, "Guys don't scare her." She said.

"Yasmine go keep an eye on the damn turkey while we get to know Simone a little better." I said.

I sat back down in the recliner and Skylar hopped in my lap. Simone sat on the couch looking scared as hell, Yasmine sat next to her and held her hand.

"How'd you meet our sister Simone?" Skylar asked.

"I met her at the barbershop one day. I took my little nephew in there to get his hair cut and Yasmine was answering sitting up front answer the phone. I thought she was beautiful and I approached her. She gave me her number and we've been talking ever since." Simone explained.

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