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It's finally October, my favorite month of the year. Not only is it my favorite it's my mom's favorite month too. I'm really excited about today because I have a special surprise planned for my mom. Since she's been doing better I'm taking her on a special date when I get home from school.

I felt so good about today I got up before my alarm did and got ready. After I got ready I went downstairs and made some pancakes for breakfast. I was in the kitchen doing my thing when my mom walked in.

"Junior what are you doing?" Mom asked.

"Cooking my two favorite girls breakfast." I said.

"You don't have to do that, I could've made you guys some breakfast." Mom said.

"I know mama but I wanted to do something special for you this morning." I said.

Mom sat down at the table in the kitchen and fixed herself a cup of coffee. Skylar came downstairs and mom helped her fix her uniform. Skylar had this ribbon she wanted to put in her ponytail and I offered to do it for her but my mom said she would do it. My mom's hands were a little shaky at first but she was able to tie the ribbon around Skylar's hair.

After the pancakes were done I fixed Skylar and my mom a plate. Skylar grabbed the bottle of syrup and I had to take it a away from her. Skylar is the type of kid of you give her just a little bit of sugar she gets a little crazy. If it was left up to my sister she would drown her pancakes in syrup.

"The pancakes are good Y/N, I taught you well." Mom said.

"Thanks mama. I'm glad you taught me how to cook because if you didn't we'd be in big trouble." I said.

"You'd be better if you learned how to make chicken nuggets." Skylar said.

"What is up with little kids and chicken nuggets?" I asked.

"Chicken nuggets are bae, duhh." Skylar said.

"I swear listening to you two talk brightens my day." Mom said.

"And seeing you get better brightens our day mommy." Skylar said.

My phone started ringing in my pocket and it was Dinah. I talked to her for a minute but as soon as my mom hears Dinah she snatched the phone out of my hand. I took all of the dirty dishes and loaded them into a dishwasher. I went into the cabinet and got the pills that my mom had to take in the morning. Once I saw that she had taken her meds I went upstairs to get my necktie and Skylar and I's book bags. My finished her conversation with Dinah by telling Dinah she loved her. I am so glad that my mom and my girlfriend have such a good relationship.

"You really like Dinah don't you?" I asked.

"Yes I do that's my island baby. She helps me keep your hardheaded ass in check so that makes me like her even more." Mom said.

"That's my baby, I'm gonna marry her one day mama." I said.

"I hope I live to see that day son." Mom said.

"You will you're going to be there for all of the big moments in our lives." I said.

"I'm gonna be flower girl in the wedding Y/N." Skylar said.

"Yes you are princess you're going to be the most beautiful flower girl ever." I said.

"Alright, it's time for you two be heading out." Mom said.

I put on my blazer and put on my book bag. My mom walked us to the car and she told Skylar that she was a beautiful princess and that she should never forget that. She gave Skylar a hug and a kiss, then walked around to my side of the car.

I Got You (Normani/You/Dinah)Where stories live. Discover now