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The moment you regret letting your girl talk you into a crazy idea. I am not a big Halloween person that's just me. I was gonna go dressed as Clark Kent but Dinah had other plans for me. I look crazy as hell dressed like Bruno Mars, don't get me wrong he dresses pretty cool but it's not my style. But it's what my baby wanted so I guess I have to deal with it.

"Y/N Dinah said hurry up!" Skylar yelled.

"Tell her I'm coming!" I yelled.

I put on these knock-off Versace rings and went downstairs. Dinah looked so sexy dressed as Beyonće  and the best part was is she had the thighs out. Other than her smile, Dinah's thighs are my favorite thing.

Skylar looked cute too, she wanted to dress up as Supergirl. Dinah and I are gonna take her trick or treating then she's going to spend the night at AJ's while we go to the party.

"You look funny." Skylar said.

"Thanks little one." I said.

"He does not look funny, he looks very sexy." Dinah said.

"Thanks babe but you look amazing. I will gladly get in formation when you tell me to." I said.

"Can we take some pictures and go trick or treating please?" Skylar asked.

Since the princess was getting impatient we took a few pictures and took Skylar around the neighborhood to get candy. Doing all of these things with Skylar really make me feel like a parent and I'm sure Dinah feels the same way too. We went back to the house and checked Skylar's candy to make sure that it was safe for her to eat it. AJ's mom was right on time to pick Skylar up. Then it was time for Dinah and I to go to the party. Since Lauren was going to the party she rode with Dinah and I.

I don't know who the fuck Lauren was but she looked good in her costume. I think she went as some character from Game of Thrones.

Hopefully nothing pops off at this party because I don't want to throw hands with somebody. But if someone messes with me or my girl it's gonna be a problem. We pulled up to the big house and the party seemed to be well underway. The three of us got out of the car and went inside. Dinah and Lauren went and talked to Zendaya while I went and talked to the guys.

"Dinah picked out your outfit didn't she?" Arin asked.

"Yep, but I feel pretty good in it." I said.

"So are things good between you and Dinah now?" Trevor asked.

"They're not perfect but we're getting there. I've been on my best behavior since Dinah took me back." I said.

"So you haven't fucked up at all?" Masi asked.

"Nope and I'd like to keep it that way." I said.

Normani walked past the kitchen looking fine as hell in her Queen of the Damned costume. She could bite the hell out of me and I would be fine with it. I forgot, she's bitten me quite a few times.

"Y/N how in the hell did you manage to hook up with Dinah and her best friend? That's just some creep squad type shit right there." Masi said.

"To be honest I don't even know. First I got Dinah, then I got Normani. But I choose who I wanted to be with and now everything is good." I said.

"If you could have both of them at the same time would you do it?" Shawn asked.

"Hell yeah I would. That's every man's dream to have two fine ass girls at the same time. I'd have chocolate and caramel at the same time, a brother would have a few cavities after a night with them." I said.

I Got You (Normani/You/Dinah)Where stories live. Discover now