The Marauder Stories: Sirius Black

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"Talking to yourself is one of the first signs of madness, you know."Hearing him say that yet again made her roll her eyes which only made that smirk on his face turn from that to a grin, "Ah yes, the first of the day!"Sirius Black was a lot of things -- he was rebellious and intimidating, but also quite witty and funny (or so he'd like to think), he caused more trouble than he would have cared to admit but ironically enough, was clever enough to get by. Not that he would need it. He was a lot of things, but he had everything within arm's reach.Arianna Riddle was a lot of things herself -- a lot to the point that she ended up attracting unwanted attention from a certain group of troublemakers.--------------------------

It has been a long time since I have read this and the author says it is going through editing, there may be some changing, but I am sure it is still brilliant. Sirius Black is such a fun character to read, and this author does a wonderful job of expressing his "serious" side.

This chapter is dedicated to the author.

Author: hisimperfectangel25

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