Chapter 22

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*Annie’s POV*  

Brad and I are walking to the next place, me having no idea where we’re going.  

"Okay, you don’t need a blindfold for this one, but I would appreciate it if you closed your eyes." I shrug, closing my eyes and gripping onto his arm. His beautiful laugh escapes his lips, causing a light pink color to appear on my face. 

"Is there a reason why you’re laughing?" 

"You’re holding onto me like I’m taking you to be killed!" He laughs, kissing me on the cheek. I giggle and continue holding onto his arm. 

"There are some steps, so I’m going to pick you up, alright?" I nod, flinching a little as he lifts me off of the ground, climbing the steps. I hear a squeak of an opening door and some whispers, and then I am set down in a chair.  

"Umm… Brad?" 

"I’ll tell you when to open your eyes, don’t worry, you’re safe."  

I hear people shuffling around, and then I hear the strum of a guitar.  

"Open your eyes, babe." Brad shouts, seeming to be very far away. 

I open up my eyes to find that I’m in a bowling alley, completely empty. Brad is in the middle of the the room, standing in the center of the ally, a guitar in his hand. He starts to play, and I know exactly what song it is.  

'Tonight we'll dance, I'll be yours and you'll be mine,

We won’t look back, take my hand and we will shine,

She needs a wild heart, she needs a wild heart, I got a wild heart.’  

A grin forms on my face as he moves closer to me, finishing the chorus of the song. He puts the guitar down and takes my hand, pulling me up into his chest. Music starts to play and voices echo throughout the building. I look over Brad’s shoulder and see Connor, Tristan, and James all singing and playing their instruments. Brad lets his head fall onto my shoulder, kissing my exposed collar bone lightly before lifting his head back up and planting his lips on mine. 

"Have I ever told you that you’re beautiful?" He asks me, looking me in the eyes.  

"Plenty of times, Brad." I giggle at how cliché this is.  

"Well you are, so beautiful. And I really really like you, Annie."  

"I really like you too, Brad." 

"I’m so happy you said yes. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t." 

"I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t ask me." 

Brad smiles at me, showing his adorable dimples. I poke one, making him chuckle.  

"I hope you don’t mind, but the boys and girls are all here and ready to bowl when you are." 

"Really? I haven’t talked to the girls in forever!"  

"It’s hardly been two days, angel." I blush, knowing he’s right.  

"Whatever. Where are they?"  I ask him, looking around.  

"They’ll be here in a minute. Now, would you care to bowl?"  

"I would love to," I tell him, "Just warning you though, I’m the worst bowler ever." 

"I’ll help you."  

After we put our names in and pick out our balls, we start playing. I’m up first, sadly. Brad comes up behind me, puts my hands in the correct spot and helps me.  

"YES!" I shout, excited that I had gotten my first ever strike.  

"Have you never gotten a strike before, princess?" I shake my head, blushing furiously. 

"I told you I was bad!"  

"You’re cute." He tells me, putting on hand on my hip and the other on my cheek. His nose touches mine, nudging it slightly. He leans in, as do I, but we are rudely interrupted by the girls. 

"ANNIE!" They yell, running towards Brad and I. I walk over to them, giving Brad a apologetic smile, which he returns.  

"Hey guys!"  

"So you and Brad?"  

"Stop!" I whine, blushing.  

"C’mon, let’s bowl!" Hannah exclaims, saving me from the embarrassment.


"I had a great time, Brad." I tell him, leaning my head onto his shoulder. 

"I did too, Annie." He sighs, kissing the top of my head. 

"I’m going to miss you so much." I mumble into his neck, kissing in random places. 

"I’m going to miss you too. We’ll make this work, don’t worry." 

"I hope we can. I really want to be with you." I admit. 

"Me too, beautiful, me too." He lifts my head up and kisses me slowly. Our lips fit together perfectly, as cheesy as that sounds.

"I’m going to visit you. I promise." He tells me looking me straight in the eye.

"I will visit you too, once I’m done with the tour." 

"Why did you decide to only tour in the US?" He whines, pecking my nose.

"I wasn’t sure if anyone in the UK wanted me to have a tour. Maybe after this tour I can, but not anytime soon."

"What’s your first stop?" He questions, reaching to unlock my door.

"California." I inform him, walking into the hotel room.

"Are you packed?" I nod, hugging him again. 

"I still have five hours, remember." 

"I know. But you and the girls are going out to dinner, so it’s more like two."

"Why don’t you come with us? The others can come too?" 

"That’d be nice. As long as I can sit by you." He smiles cheekily. I roll my eyes, kissing him. 

"I’ll see you later, babe." I push him out of the room so I can get ready for dinner. 

"BYE!" He shouts, laughing.

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