Chapter 5

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I woke only to see a blinding light from the unclosed curtains. I stretch myself out a little bit and bump into to Brad, whom I forgot was there for a moment. I smiled at him, although he couldn’t see me. I studied his features for a while. He looked like an angel, as cheesy and cliché as that sounds. His hair is perfectly messy and his lips are pouted slightly. He put my hand on his cheek gently, him stirring in his sleep. His gorgeous eyes flutter open and a small smile appears on his face when he sees me looking back at him.

"Good morning beautiful."

I blush at his choice of words and cuddle back into him.

"Good morning."

He sighs peacefully and wraps his arm around my waist.

"What time are you on today?" He asks me in a whisper.

"I think around one, but I’ll have to check, it’s definitely in the afternoon." I reply.

"I think our set is right after yours." He says, more talking to himself than me.

We talk for a little while before getting out of bed and heading to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Well well well. What do we have here?"

Brad and I turned around to see Bree and Diane looking at us with smirks on their faces.

"What are you talking about?" I asked calmly, trying to keep my cheeks from burning up.

"Well you don’t come out of your room all night, and then in the morning when you finally come out your holding hands and are very close to each other?" Bree says suspiciously.

"We fell asleep while watching a movie." Brad replies, his face a light pink.

"I’m watching you two." Diane says before walking off with Bree into the kitchen.

"Sorry." I say, turning back towards Brad.

"It’s fine love." He tells me, my stomach doing flips when he calls me love.

We walk into the kitchen, still holding hands, and sit down on stools next to each other.

*Brad’s P.O.V.*

Annie and I are currently in the small hotel rooms kitchen, sitting on stools and holding hands. Bree and Diane are literally watching us, waiting for someone to speak up. It was kind of awkward, but I don’t mind. I’m holding hands with Annie, so nothing can bother me.

Last night was amazing. We talked for so long and watched tons of movies, I learnt so much about her. I remember, last night, being so nervous to put my arm around her, then I surprised myself by pulling her whole body on top of mine. That was a nice move on my part. You might not think so, but it was so comfortable, just holding her so close to me.

"So, breakfast.." Annie says, breaking the silence.

"Would you like to go somewhere?" I ask her shyly, worried that she’d say no.

"Sure!" She says, I sigh quietly in relief, and get up, pulling her along with me.

We walk to the bathroom, and I sit on the toilet and watch her do her hair. Not putting on any makeup whatsoever, so looked beautiful. I get up and hug her from behind, leaving peppery kisses on the back of her neck. She giggled and turned to me. I rested my head in her neck and kissed it once more before pulling away from her warm embrace and leading her out of the bathroom.

We drive to a small diner in our pyjamas. We sit down in a booth in the over very back of the diner. I literally just stared at her for most of breakfast. I really like her. A lot.

I paid for breakfast, of course, and we drove back to the hotel. I had to get ready to perform, so I had to drop her off at her room.

"See you later, babe." I tell her, hugging her tightly.

"She nestles her head into my neck and kisses it a couple times. I had to legitimately hold back the moans that were about to come out of my mouth because I know she didn’t mean it in a sexual way.

"See you later." She sighs against my neck, showing that she didn’t want to stop the hug.

The door to her room flew open and Diane was standing there.

"Sorry to break this up, but Annie and I have to get ready."

She walks away, leaving the door open, and I turn my attention back to Annie.

"I’ll be in the VIP area when you perform, okay?" I say, resting my forehead on hers.

She smiles and nods slightly, her bright green eyes staring into mine. I lean in to her, closing my eyes, her doing the same. Our faces are so close, lips almost touching, but before that happens, Annie is pulled away by Bree. She dragged Annie through the door, slamming it. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. So close.

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