Chapter 18

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*Brad’s POV*

I walk into the party with the boys and their girlfriends. Of course, Taylor is trailing behind us like a lost puppy.

I look around to see if I can spot any familiar faces. I manage to find one. One that I have been waiting to see. I have seen her around  here and there, and me being me, never went to go talk to her. After Taylor came she stopped speaking with us.

She is dancing with Bree, Diane, and these other girls I don’t know. I can see all these guys staring at her. ‘Good luck to them’ I think to myself.

I walk immediately to the bar and get a drink. I don’t plan on getting too drunk, I just want to forget. I don’t dare to take my eyes off of Annie. I want to see what she is doing. I want to watch her dance. Mostly, I want to make sure she isn’t dancing with any other guys.

Whatever song that was playing when we walked in ended, and Annie stopped dancing, walking over to a large group of people.

One of them seems to take some interest in her as he hasn’t stop looking at her since I have been here. She starts to laugh at something someone said and he smiled, just because she smiled.

My fist clenches at my side and I take a long swig of my drink, drowning my sorrows.

I wouldn’t call this being dramatic.

I would just say I am in too deep for this girl and I don’t know how to handle it.

One of Annie’s favorite songs starts to play, causing her to jump onto the dance floor. That boy follows her and starts dancing with her. She doesn’t seem to mind one bit and continues to dance with him, making my heart drop.

I finish off my drink and tell the waiter to keep them coming. This is going to be a long night.

*Annie’s POV*

Okay. I may have had a little bit to drink. It wasn’t my fault though, I swear! I thought it was water, but it wasn’t. I drank the whole cup, which probably wasn’t the most intelligent idea. 

My favorite song at the moment, ‘Clarity’, came on and I automatically jumped onto the dance floor. Sam followed me, and being slightly intoxicated, didn’t mind and danced with him anyway.

He spun me around and put his hands on my waist, pulling me into him. I continued to dance with him, my back against his front. I reached my hand up and tangled it in his hair, pulling him closer to my body, if that was even possible.

The song is almost over and we are still dancing. Suddenly, Sam is ripped off of me and thrown to the floor. I can barely make out what is going on. I can vaguely see a man on top if Sam, I’m not sure what he is doing.

*Brad’s POV*

I couldn’t take it anymore. I put down my fifth drink and run to where Annie is. I pull the guy off her and throw him to the ground before getting on to of him and repeatedly hitting him. My vision is slightly blurred and I can’t see the damage I am making. I stop hitting him, deciding it is enough, and grab him by his shirt collar.

"I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON HER AGAIN." I scream at him, slurring my words a little bit.

"HEY YOU!" I hear the security man call. I quickly get off of the boy, looking at what I’ve done.

I look at Annie, who is looking back at me with pure disgust, hurt, anger, and fear in her eyes. What did I do? She will hate me even more now. Did I scare her?

"GET OUT." The man yells, yanking my arm and escorting me to the door. I take one more glance at Annie, who is helping that boy up.

Just when everything was falling back into place, it had to come crashing down.

A/N - Hi! I just wanted to say thank you to all 1,549 of you reading this on Wattpad! I was so shocked when I saw how many people were reading this! 

I was wondering where you were all from, so please comment or inbox me, I’m actually really interested.


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