Chapter 7

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It was finally time for me to perform. Finally. I peeked out into the audience from behind the curtain and saw The Vamps and their girlfriends there. Just as he said, Brad was right there. The music to Baby I began to play and I jumped out on stage.

"Baby I got love for thee, so deep inside of me I don’t know where to start."

I kept eye contact with Brad at certain parts throughout the song. He was smiling and blushing the whole time, it was really adorable. 

-skip some songs-

"Its time for the Q&A! If you have a question, raise your hand, and a security guard will hand you the mic!" I exclaim into the microphone.

"If you could be any animal, what would you be?" A girl asked quietly.

"Well, that’s actually hard. My favorite animal is a cheetah, but I would love to be a giraffe or a unicorn. That would be so cool."

"Hi! What’s your favorite song at the moment?"

"Hi! Well, my favorite song would have to be… this is difficult… Best Song Ever. But of all time, it’s definitely One Less Lonely Girl by Justin Bieber. I can never stop listening to that song."

After a couple of questions, a certain curly haired boy took the microphone.

"Hey Annie… I was wondering…" He said as he walked up the steps to the stage and came close to me. What is he doing?

"Will you go out on a proper date with me? Like a real date? Not a movie night or breakfast, a date-date?"

"Of course I will!" I said and hugged him tightly. 

“I was afraid you would say no.” He whispers in my ear.

"How could I say no to you?" I say back to him. He grins at me and kisses me on the cheek before jumping of the stage and going back to his spot.

After I finish my set, I thank everyone and run backstage into the dressing room, changing out of my sweaty clothes. Bree and Diane barged into the dressing room and told me that I did amazing. And then they asked me about Brad. Of course.

"Nothing. It is just a date!"

They gave me looks but shrugged it off. I finished changing and we all walked out just in time for The Vamps to perform. I walked towards the boys’ girlfriends and we sat by them.

"Hi! I’m Annie!" I introduced myself.

"Hi! Trust me, we all know who you are. Brad talks nonstop about you! I’m Hannah!"

"I’m Rose!"

"And I’m Ally!"

They seemed very nice.

"Hi! I’m Diane and this is Bree!"

"It’s very nice to meet you guys!" Ally said to us.

"It’s nice to meet you too!" Bree said looking at all the girls.

We talked for a little while and cheered the boys on.

"The other day, my very good friend told me that this was her favorite original song that we sing, so this is dedicated to her." Brad announced and winked at me.

I blushed and looked down and all the girls around me nudged my sides.

"I was walking away, but you’re so beautiful it made me stay." Brad begins.

I smile at him and he grins back and me whilst singing.

"Tonight we’ll dance, I’ll be yours and you’ll be mine!"


That was a long day! First breakfast, rehearsal, getting ready, performance, watching another performance, and now a meet and greet. Ugh. I love being a you tuber, don’t get me wrong, it just tiring. Bree went to her first meet and greet of Summer In The City 2013 and Diane went with her. I was signing and smiling and signing some more and smiling some more. By the end, my face and hand were killing me. I was going to walk back to the hotel, seeing as it is gorgeous out, but Brad stopped me.

"Are you walking babe?"

"Yeah, its beautiful out so why not!"

"Come with me and the boys back to the hotel?"

"I don’t k-"

"Come on." He said and pulled my arm, leading me to the van.

This ride was going to be quite eventful.

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