Chapter 12

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*Brad’s P.O.V.*

Annie finished her song and diverted her attention to the crowd to the left of her. I applauded of course, as did the other boys. I told them what happened. The boys thought it was rude while the girls said that she probably had her own ‘personal reasons’. I just don’t understand why she couldn’t explain it to me. I know it is only a date, but I actually liked her a lot. A lot. A lot. I thought she liked me, she acted like she did. What made her do this?

"We’re leaving mate." Connor says from behind me.


"Yeah. We have to go. Dean just called."

I sighed and nodded, taking one last, long, glance at Annie before walking through the herd of screaming girls with the group.

We got back to the hotel and sat on floor in front of the television. Ally got up and handed me her phone.

"Someone just tweeted me a link to one of Annie’s old twitlongers."


You guys always ask me about my past. I never say anything. You always try to find things, clues, puzzle pieces, to learn more about me. As much as I appreciate you taking that much interest in me, it’s making me feel slightly worried that you would be mad or start to dislike me if you heard about my last from other people and not me. So here is my story. 
I was bullied. Terribly bullied. I had only one friend, Diane. She stuck by me through everything. I was bullied because I was smart. I had glasses. I liked to stay home instead of going to parties. I have one question about all this. Why are those valid reasons to dislike somebody? Just because I wasn’t the kind of person to get drunk at fifteen years old I was an outcast. It’s absolutely ridiculous. So what if I liked to get good grade? I had glasses, why is that a big deal? Half of the people who bullied me wore fake glasses because they thought they looked cool, but real glasses are uncool? So I was a little overweight? Does it even matter in the end? No. 
It got really bad in 11th grade. One day, it was so bad, I went home and did something j regret and will always regret. I have to wear long sleeves 24/7 because I am so embarrassed. I’m not embarrassed that I did that to myself, it just made me stronger. I’m embarrassed that I let those who bullied me inside my head. I let them get to me. That is one thing I wish I could do again. I am so much stronger now. 
When I made a YouTube channel, I got hate, but nothing I couldn’t handle, I was brave and strong. Then people started pointing out more of my flaws, the same flaws the people at school did. It triggered me. I did it again. I’m ashamed that I let the haters get to me. I am not clean yet. I hope someday all of the immature haters will realize that they are being idiotic and stop hating on everyone. Maybe this will make you realize that you are actually hurting people, not everyone is as strong as you perceive them to be. We aren’t robots, we have feelings too. 
There you go. My story. Not as detailed as some of you want, but I left out the details to ensure that you never hurt yourself like I did. You are worth so much more than you may think. Don’t let people bring you down.

I love you all. Xx.

-end of twitlonger-

*still in Brad’s P.O.V.*

"Oh my god." I whispered.

I had just read the twitlonger aloud to everyone. We were all shocked. How did I not know this?

"She doesn’t want to have to go back to her old ways." Rose says.

"What do you mean?" Tristan asks her.

"I think that she wants to go on the date with you, but she wants to protect herself before taking any chance. If any of those rude comments come back, it could trigger her."

"Do you think she is clean now?" Ally pipes up.

"Hopefully." I reply. 

They all nod in agreement.

"Should I talk to her?" I asked no one in particular.

"I’m not sure. She likes you. You can tell. But she might not like you enough to take that big of a risk again." Hannah says.

I shrug, feeling worse than before.

"We can talk to her?" Ally questions.

"I don’t know. She doesn’t look like easy to crack."

"It’s worth a try." Hannah tells her.

"Tomorrow then." Rose agrees.

"She has a signing at three tomorrow." I say quietly.

"And how do you know this?" Connor asks me mockingly.

"Her schedule was in the meeting room when we first met, and I took a picture of it." Wow. Way to sound like a stalker Brad.

"STALKER!" James yells at me playfully.

I laugh a little as does everyone else.

"We will talk to her tomorrow, at lunch. Yeah. We have her number, so we will just ask her to hang out." Ally says.

"How do you have her number?" Tristan asks her.

"We got it when you boys were performing."

Well. I hope it goes well.

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