#63: NU'EST's Minhyun Caught Up In Controversy

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Cr: Soompi

"Produce 101 Season 2" trainee Hwang Minhyun, a member of boy group NU'EST, has become the subject of controversy due to a crime that he admitted to committing in the past.

Recently, a post was made on an online community titled "Minhyun admitting he stole and sold a bike when he was in middle school." In the post, there is audio of Minhyun on a radio show talking about his past actions.

He said, "I think it was when I was in middle school grade one (approximately age 12-13). My friends and I were immature so when we saw a bike on the street, we stole it and sold it at a junk shop. At the time it was pretty fun. After a semester passed, we had forgotten all about it, but after break and the second semester began, a police officer came to our school during class. Because of that, I got into a lot of trouble from our teacher."

With the audio being revealed ahead of the first episode of "Produce 101 Season 2," set to air on April 7, there has been an outpouring of criticism from netizens.

No official statement has been made by "Produce 101."


I don't really get why they need to dig something like this. To destroy his image? That's it?

Why am I posting this? Because I'm upset. Not only because I treasure Nu'est. This is kind of too low. It's already in the past, come on! Surely you don't see them so perfect and once in our life we commit mistakes. They are not perfect. That's a reality. So if you'll just judge him because of this article then I can say that you really don't appreciate them at all. I love Nu'est. I love their songs. I accepted all their imperfections. Their talents, looks, all of it. I don't see why people loves to say anything that will destroy someone. Does it feel satisfying?

Sorry. I know ㄴㅇㅅㅌs will never think of him bad. But what about the new fans? Fans who's trying to get to know them? They might think differently. Please do help in explaining this. This is in the past. Never rely on something that is done. It's nonsense. He's a lovely guy and I don't view him as a bad influence. He's a kid that time, he grew up. End of the discussion.

The feeling when Aron got in a controversy came back again 😔
It's not a good feeling. I care for them so it's just sad.

Anyway, thank you for reading.
And please do support them later. The airing of PD101 is today(Friday) at 10pm Korean time. Continue voting the four of them in maboy. I don't have any news about the other voting.

P.S. Watch the video.

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