#56: PD101 Line Up

57 8 0

Translation: @paksungwoopics

1. (1st and 2nd episode) Assessment/evaluation by judges (producers) and ranking the trainees.

2. 나야나 (It's me) Individual assessment (training in the 2nd episode & adjusting of ranks/grades in the 3rd episode) Note: changing of grades for the 2nd time.

3. (3rd and 4th episode) Two teams have to complete with the same song. Note: The winning team will get benefits.

-- 1st eliminatiin round announcement (5th episode) --

4. Position evaluation (6th and 7th episode) Note: Benefits will be given to the winners.

-- 2nd elimination round announcement (8th episode) --

5. Concept evaluation (8th and 9th episode) Note: The winning team will get benefits.

-- 3rd elimination round announcement (10th episode) --

6. Evaluation of debut for the live broadcast and announcement of the top 11 (final) winners.


Are you still voting? I've been reading comments again and seriously I'm being paranoid haha.
It's just sad that the members are not active in their SNS, even Aron 😣
Please don't be mad if I keep on reminding you to vote. Don't view it in a wrong way. I'm just doing this because I want them to win so bad. Why? Because I can picture what will happen if they didn't make it. You know what I mean... Even if Pledis promised that they won't disband Nu'est.

Please please please. Vote for them everyday. This is the only thing that we can do for them. They are doing their best in that show, so please let's help them with encouraging words and votes. Shower them the love that we once gave when they are still active. If you think you lost interest to them, or you find it hard to go back to the fandom, please think carefully and feel your heart. I'm sure there's still a part of them that is left in your heart.

It will never be easy. They are so many. One hundred one contestants. It's a big thing that one of them will win. And if blessed, four of them will win.

They've been through a lot. They experience pain, stress, hardship... and love. It's a bittersweet fight. I know they realize that their popularity is not enough, so they grab this chance to go through with their goal. Remember? They want to be number one. They want to be love by everybody.

Let them win. Let's made them cry by reaching their dream. I want them to feel our sincerity. I want them to think, 'Ah! It's worth the fight. We have ㄴㅇㅅㅌs'. That's our advantage to other contestant. We have each other.

So again, as a fan, I would love to beg for your votes, because I am desperate. I want them to win.

Please go back to being a ㄴㅇㅅㅌ.
Nu'est need you now 😢

That's all. And I'm sorry for any errors...and for the drama /crying/

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