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I'm a little bit late for this but I still want to talk about this. I don't know what came up that he or she made a petition for Minhyun to leave Wanna One. Okay, I get it. You want him with Nu'est, but loves, you forgot the reason why they joined Produce 101. It's not only for the recognition, it's also for their accomplishment. They wanted to win so all their sacrifices won't put into waste. Do you get it? Let's say they don't need to win because it's enough that they appeared on the show and did get what they want. They are the talk of the show, especially right after the final episode of Produce 101.

Lucky because Minhyun won despite of being away from Nu'est. They had been through a lot, they cried - Baekho, who's always positive and the shine of Nu'est - even cried on that show. Imagine the pain they had been experienced.

It's like a reward.

Jr deserve to win, yeah we know that very well. Let's just accept it. There's a plan for him as well as the other members that's why they didn't win.

If you'll sign the petition all their efforts will be put into waste. It will make a havoc not only to Nu'est but to Wanna One. Please don't drag any of them to danger. Don't put them down.

Everything's settled now. Pledis made a statement that Nu'est will be having a comeback. There's a big chance that Wanna one and Nu'est will promote at the same time.

All is well, except that we need to wait for Minhyun to come home. If you can't wait any longer then you should'nt call yourself a fan. It isn't just for music, it's the love for them. If you love them enough you are willing to accept and wait for them, how long it takes. I've been waiting for Nu'est to shine for my five years with them, waiting for Minhyun is just a short time compare for the years they spent to grow. Please be that water and fertilizer to make them grow more, so they can reach their dreams on being number one.

I don't want any hate for this. I don't know if it's just a spur of the moment when Pledis didn't have any plans for Nu'est yet that made him or her mad and resolve on getting a petition.

I don't think there's a problem now. I posted this so I can somehow stop you from signing it. Remember the rice wreaths sent from fans? That made some knetz furious. It did made a huge impact to them, some resolving to not wanting Nu'est because of immature fans (it's too much, I know. But we can't do anything about it. We can't please everybody and I know the mistake is not meant for Nu'est or the other trainees to drag them down.)

Think of them for once. It's not the key to everything. The moment Minhyun was called at the ninth spot, that's the time you have to accept that he needs to be away being a Nu'est member. For now.

Please don't mind the petition and let's just be patient. It'll be okay if that person took the petition down to end everything. Is it possible?

I don't think I made a point haha. But I'm hoping I left you thinking about it. You can share your thoughts 😊

 You can share your thoughts 😊

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