#64: Debuted Trainees Re-define 'Dream' in First Teaser

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Cr: Naver TV

Mnet releases their first teaser for the male season of Produce 101 earlier today, featuring debuted trainees from NU'EST, JJCC, TOPP DOGG, Offroad among others.

In the teaser, the boys shared their honest thoughts of being a debuted idol; while training was a difficult time, these Produce 101 contestants gave a reality check of today's competitive idol circle, where hard work is not enough to break into the industry.

Pledis trainee Choi Mingi states, "I've been trying so hard but I can't see any (results), so it's worrying, it's difficult."

And yet after all these while, these trainees continue to search for their dreams. Kang Dongho comments, "The first time I thought about what I wanted to be, being an idol was what what came to mind." as his reason for not giving up.

"We have made our debut, but we have yet to realize our dreams. Isn't everyone is dreaming of the same dream? I want to achieve my dreams through this program, to have no regrets, I wilk work hard," said Hwang Minhyun in regards to the new challenge on the show.

While debuting serves as goal for many trainees, to find a stage that allowed them to show their passion for singing is also a notable dream. We wish all the boys good luck for the programme.

Mnet's Produce 101 season 2 will premiere tonight, 7th April, at 11PM KST. Online voting will also open then.


Okay, it's 11PM not 10PM. Sorry for the mistake. Anyway please do check the video for the preview. Click the cc for english sub.

Team NU'EST ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora