#72: LightsOfLove NU'EST Support Project

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Cr: I just randomly saw this but I do not own any post regarding this. I'm just here to pass whatever info or project, fans would love to give.



Jonghyun, Dongho, Minhyun ang Mingi are fighting hard for their careers on Produce 101, and many of us have limited ways to show our support.

To show NU'EST we are with them more than ever before, we are doing a support hashtag each time the show airs:
And are accompanying our tweets and instagram posts with an image of hot pink lights!

When: Each time a Produce 101 Episode Airs!
Where: Twitter and Instagram
Hashtag: #LightsOfLove

About the Lights: There are VERY FEW NU'EST Lightsticks available in the world.
If you have one, light it up and tweet it with the hashtag! The rest of us can use flashlights, twinkle lights, candles, etc.
Drop a hot pink filter over your pic if you have no fabric or paper available to LIGHT IT PINK!


There's no official lightsticks for Nu'est so I never had one. But I've seen different designs with compass, stars, and a long sticks.

 But I've seen different designs with compass, stars, and a long sticks

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But then it won't stop you for joining, there's still a lot of way to do this

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But then it won't stop you for joining, there's still a lot of way to do this. If I were in Korea, I'll watch every performance of them (in Produce 101) and I'm going to light it right in their performance haha!

But sadly, I'm not. So I'll stick with finding a way to join here.

The official lightstick should be compass, right? Because that's what they are. It's their signature.

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