#87: ARON'S BIRTHDAY Message Book

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An: Hello! A friend shared this project and I'm so sorry for not updating soon. Sadly, the said b-day project ended on May 15, however I would still share this to thank our friend ScarletteSnow for informing us!

I was planning on sharing my portrait art of Aron, thinking that there will be some project for his birthday. But since I failed to join here maybe I'll just share it on ig. But nah, hahaha.

I'll just keep it 😅

Btw, I heard the movie 'Their Distance' will be aired in Korea soon? Wow that's cool. I really want to watch the full movie because some site can't access in my country but I know the story... a bit. Haha. Well the ending is quite interesting. It leaves you hanging because it has an open ending. I enjoyed watching some clips because Ren is soooo good. I wish he can act more in the future.

P.S. The one I'll post is from the picture itself. I can't post image due to low internet connection so I'll just type it here.


We'll make a "Message Book" for Aron's 25th birthday. So we collect letters from LO/\E.

(2017.05 03 - 2017. 05. 15)

1. Letters

There is no limit to the number of letters. Letters should be written in Korean or English. Name can be marked by a real name or a nickname. If you didn't write the name, it's written an anonymous LO/\E.

2. Photo, Fan art, Calligraphy

We receive photo, fan art, and calligraphy ect. Don't bring other's creations without permission. Size is free. Please send to CMYK's printing mode, resolution 300 dpi, and jpg or png file.

Please send me letter, photo, fan art, calligraphy etc. by mail. (aron_union@naver.com)

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