#76: Update for voting + rant

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We can finally vote!

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We can finally vote!

Yey! We can vote in maboy! Please continue sending gifts to them!

Also, watch their performance. There's an uploaded video that is focus for each member.

They slayed it! Even if they didn't win (Baekho's team, not sure in Ren's team) but I'm grateful because they did well. Many people said that Baekho's team is better, but well, the other team's all popular so..... 😝

Sorry I'm not gonna play a good girl here. I want to say what I want to say so I'm ready for haters.

I hate it that they win because they got all the popular members. It's not about looks, boy. I get it, but no... you won't be good if you're not confident with your talents or in your member's skills.

Yes, it is a survival show but you still need to consider that you are in a group. You still need to consider other's capability so you'll work as a group. If you are that good, they will vote you. No need to be greedy 🤑. If he won't change then he should just go for a solo in the future ~
I may not know the story, but it doesn't change the fact that he choose all the popular guys.

Haters gonna hate. I won't mention him for respect. Imagine, I still respect him even if this is just a 'not-so-important' update for me.

But well.... it is somehow important because I want to take pride in Nu'est for the good work.

Going back to our boys,

I'm like a proud mother! \(>○<)/

I'm happy because they are not greedy enough to get the center and instead, they distributed all the lines equally to give chance to others.

I know in no time they'll receive what they deserve. With that attitude, I know more blessings will come to them.

And I'm always there to watch them achieve their goal 😢

P.S. Leave Nu'est alone if you find this update insulting (whatever you say it), hating them after reading this only prove that you are too low.

Hate me, not them. Okay? 👌

P.P.S. /edited/ Please don't take it seriously. I've been stressed, add the fact that they are attacking Nu'est for being in the show plus the votes that they've been receiving. I wanted to delete it, but I felt like I shouldn't so..... I'll leave it like that.
Again, sorry if I somehow upset you for talking bad about your favorite trainee. I won't take it back because that's what I felt. So, sorry. And please don't take it in Nu'est. You can talk bad about me but not to them.

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