45. Simple three letter word

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"I couldn't imagine a life without you. What about you?"


{Two years later}


Today we were going to my grandfather's ranch for the Fourth of July like we always do. This would be Shawn's third time going but we've spent a lot of time with my dad's side. Like we had thanksgiving here two years ago and this past Christmas.

The other ones we went to see my mom and of course went up to Canada to be with his family. My mom loves him, he definitely charmed her. My dad has grown on him as well especially since he hasn't held me back from my career.

I'm in my second year of college. And it's going great, I like going to school. I've made a bunch of friends and they could careless who my boyfriend is. My uncles definitely love when we go, mostly because my uncles pick on me and Shawn now goes along with it.

It's annoying when they're all on a team. But I'm happy to see all the men in my life bonding. He was really welcomed into my dads side, my mom's side know of him but let's just say a few can't be trusted.

"Shawn where are my white converse?" I yelled from his closet.

I had literally checked the whole room and nothing. Ugh it's not even like we have a dog or something that could've taken them.

"Ace why on earth would I know where you left your shoes at?" He asked coming out from the bathroom already dressed and ready to go.

He wore a dark blue and black flannel with jeans and his black converse. His hair was done and the flannel sleeves were rolled up revealing his arms and his watch.

"Shawn I could do without the sarcasm. I was just asking to see if you've seen them. I practically turned this whole room upside down and nothing." I tell him as I walk past him and back to his room.

I felt him grab my arm and pull me back to him. I wasn't even done yet, I still had to do my makeup and we had to stop by the store. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Ace? Calm down, they're around here somewhere. Why are you freaking out?" He asked me sounding sincere.

I sighed, "Because I'm never late to any family gathering. I'm not the typical 'they say 2 and you show up at like 5'. My mom used to always make sure we got there early. And I'm doing the same."

"Okay well I'll go look for them and you can finish getting ready. Deal?" He asked smirked at that word.

The word that started it all two years ago. Wow it doesn't feel like it's been that long. But look 2 years later and still together just without the whole deal thing.

I nodded my head and he smiled before kissing my forehead. He then let go of me and then left the room to go find my shoes. I went to the vanity he got put into the bathroom.

I started to work on my makeup which takes a little longer than I'd like. Mostly because I had music playing and would stop every so often to just sing. I was still applying my makeup when I seen Shawn walk in.

He had my shoes in one hand and a smile on his lips. I smiled at him before turning around and looking at him.

"My hero." I tell him and he walks over to me and bends down to put my shoes on.

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now