24. Safe

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"Make me feel safe again."



I woke up the next morning looking at a different colored wall. I was confused and tried to turn around but my back hit something, or someone. I then looked around from what I could see and seen fan art and that's when I realized where I was.

I turned around and found a sleeping Shawn. I took that time to take in his features. I've seen Shawn a lot of times but he was normally wake and snarky. This look, he was less tense, less stressed, and peaceful.

I looked at the scar on his cheek and couldn't help but smile at what his mom said. I seen the stubble on his chin and cheeks. I lightly touched his hair to move it out of his face. I then touched his jaw and wow he had really sharp features.

I looked down at his neck and seen these freckles. He was so unique and really good looking it was unbelievable. No wonder he was able to bring home any girl he wanted. He had it all.

He then grabbed my hand that was on the freckles of his neck. My heart sped up. He opened on of his eyes and looked at me.

"What are you doing Ace?" He asked with that morning raspy voice.

I cleared my throat, "I've never seen these freckles on your neck before."

"I've always had them, so I take it you were checking me out while I slept?" He said as a smirk formed on his face.

I rolled my eyes and tried to take my hand out of his but his grip tightened. He pulled me closer to him.

"Shawn what are you doing?" I asked feeling breathless.

He chuckled, "You're too easy Ace. I could feel your heart beating fast."

He then let me go and then got up and went to the bathroom. I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling. What the hell is wrong with me?

I shook my head and got up, I walked around his room. I seen pictures of him and a few other people. I assumed they were his friends, they were in the snow. He had this big smile on his face, the one I've only seen when he's with his fans.

I then seen pictures with him and his family. I walked around more and seen some trophies from hockey. Did he play? I read the year but noticed it was a long time ago.

"It's been a while, I might be rusty." I heard him say.

I looked over at him and smiled as I held a picture, "You were so cute when you were younger. What happened?"

"What are you talking about Ace? I'm still cute." He said with a smirk on his face as he walked towards me.

I rolled my eyes, "No you're just cocky."

"You love it." He said as he got closer to me.

I put the picture down and faced him, "No I don't." I stated.

"Oh no?" He questioned.

He had me pinned to the book shelf. He leaned in close to where our faces were close. I shook my head no as I looked into his hazel eyes.

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now