39. How I feel

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"This isn't over I promise you."



It was close to closing and I was helping picking up. I had texted my mom telling her not to pick me up. That I was going to go out with some friends.

I then heard the bell chime, "We're closed." I said as I cleaned the counter.

"I know." He said.

Even after a week he still manages to make my heart race. I put the rag away and seen him sit on one of the barstools.

"You're a little early I don't get out for another 20 minutes." I tell him as I wiped my hands on my apron.

"It's okay Veronica, I'll close up." My other coworker Jessica told me.

I looked over at her and she had a smirk. The one your friends usually have when you're around your crush. I sighed and went to the back, I took off my apron and grabbed my bag.

I went back to clock out of my schedule. I then looked at him and started to walk out. We got out of the cafe and to the cold air. I hated November.

I seen a black truck, surely it's a rented car. He unlocked it and I got in the passengers side. He went around and got into the drivers seat.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as he started up the car.

I looked at him, "Yeah a little."

"Okay." He said giving me a smile before driving away.

We drove in the silence I had no idea where he was going. It was kind of awkward to sit there and not say anything.

"How did you find me?" I asked finally breaking the silence.

He glanced at me before looking back at the road, "Your Dad believe it or not."

My dad? The one who was going to have a 'talk' with him. The one who probably threatened him?

"My dad? And you made it out alive? How?" I asked suddenly intrigued.

He chuckled, "Not easy I mean the man punched me. Then I knew I deserved it so I don't really hold it against him. Then we talked and I explained things to him and well he told me you had left back home."

"Arizona is a big state how on earth did you know where I worked?" I asked.

"Your Dad gave me your mom's number, I talked to her and well she told me where you were." He said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes, "Great betrayed by both my parents."

He then pulled up to a In-N-Out restaurant. A flood of memories appeared in my head. Even though we met at a cafe we actually really met at an In-N-Out.

He cut the engine and I didn't even notice him get out. I was too busy reliving that day. What if I never bumped into him? What if we never met? This would be easier.

My door then opened and I seen him standing there holding the door open for me. I took off my seatbelt and hopped out. He then closed the door and locked it.

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now