22. Stare

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"I feel like I'm always being watched."



Ever since what had happened at the house I do my best to avoid being there alone. When Shawn needs to go to the studio I either make plans with my dad or stay if Layla was there. I was still shaken up over the incident.

I got up and took a jog, like I said. I avoid this place a lot. I jogged around the corner I seen the house appear. I then went into a slow pace. I got to the gate and was about to punch in the code but I felt someone's stare.

I couldn't explain it but it was unnerving. I looked around trying to see where it was coming from. But as I looked around nothing and no one looked suspicious. It looked like an ordinary neighborhood.

I thought I was just being very paranoid. I turned back around and punched in the code. The gate opened up and I walked in and across the driveway.

I made sure the gate closed and I was the only one to walk in. Once I was I walked to the front door and opened it up. I walked in and took the earbuds out of my ear.

"Shawn?" I called out.

I seen his Jeep in the driveway but I wanted to make sure he was okay. Maybe I was thinking too much into things.

"In the office!" I heard him yell back.

I walked over and when I got to the door I walked in. He was leaning over the desk writing something. He looked up at me in question.

"Sorry I was just making sure you were okay." I tell him still standing by the doorway.

He nodded and placed his pen down, "Is this about what happened the other day?" He asked me.

"What? No. I was just concerned that's all." I lie.

I never told Shawn about the letter, I'm not sure why I didn't either. I mean I should but maybe it was something that happened once? I mean nothing has happened ever since that night.

"Well even if it is or not, I'm having someone come over and install a security system. So maybe you can actually stay here once in a while." He tells me looking serious.

He knew I had been leaving? I never told him I leave when he's gone.

"What do you mean?" I asked pretending not to know what he meant.

He rolled his eyes, "I know you don't stay here by yourself. You leave when I leave or you stay but only if Layla is over. Is there something you're not telling me? I know about the incident but I thought you said you weren't sure?"

"I'm not sure. But I- when the police left I went back to my room.....and I found a piece of paper on my pillow. It wasn't there when the power went off." I told him.

He raised his eyebrow, "What did it say?"

I reached into my pocket of my joggers and handed him the paper. He took it from me and read it.

"So you didn't write this?" He asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Are you serious? Why on earth would I write that? To get attention?"

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now