21. Break In

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"In that moment I knew I wasn't alone anymore."



A week had went by since Shawn met my family. I get texts from my dad constantly checking up on me. Making sure our relationship is fine and that if I'm okay. I love my dad but he had nothing to really worry about.

It was currently nine at night and I went downstairs. Earlier I took a jog, took a shower, and then watched tv for a few hours. I got hungry and decided to get something to eat from the kitchen. It was Layla's day off so we stuck to take out earlier.

I went down and to the kitchen, the light was on. I walked in and Shawn was on the phone. I tried to be quiet as I walked to the fridge and looked at the leftover take out. I grabbed the one with my name and also the pitcher of water.

I put the takeout on a plate and then put it in the microwave. I leaned against the counter.

"Really? Okay no nothing....Yeah I'll see what I can do....yeah okay." He said as he talked on the phone.

The microwave rang and I took out the plate and set it on the counter. I turned around and seen him typing on his phone. I grabbed a fork and he sighed before leaning his hands on the counter.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I poured the water into my glass.

He walked over to me, "Things at the studio, I'll have to leave in a few."

"What happened?" I asked looking at him really wanting to know.

He grabbed a piece of orange chicken from my food and ate it. I slapped his arm and he finished up his food.

"Someone broke into the studio and trashed it. The security wants me to go down and verify everything." He told me.

I ate some of my food before talking, "Wow that sounds scary, you should probably go soon."

"Yeah I don't know how long it'll take. You'll be find right?" He asked as he slowly backed up.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll live, it's not the first time you leave in the middle of the night doing god knows what."

"Okay okay, just making sure." He smirked before walking out.

I rolled my eyes and sat down to eat. A few minutes I heard Shawn say bye which I said back before I heard the front door close.

I continued to eat my food and when I was done I washed them before heading back upstairs. Once there I turned the tv back on and was about to sit down on my bed until the lights turned off.

I screamed before clicking my phone on and turning on my flashlight. My pulse was still beating really fast. I took a deep breath before walking to my door. I walked out and was reassured that the whole house was black.

Then my mind started to think of possible reasons. Maybe there's extreme weather, but it wasn't cloudy or windy today. Maybe something happened and the whole neighborhood was out?

Thinking it was that I walked over to the window and seen that others lights were fine. I sighed and then thought maybe Shawn was playing some sick joke. Maybe he never really left and thought it would be funny to play games.

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now