6. Night One

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"That is definitely something I wasn't expecting."



I finished unpacking till about 7 at night and made sure to call my dad. He sounded as if I moved half across the world. I talked to him for a little before we said goodbye.

Once we were done talking I got up to go and get something to eat. I walked across the huge loft and down the stairs. He wasn't home, no one was besides the cook and a maid. But even they were getting ready to go. How lonely does he get?

I mean it's a huge house and it's just him? I mean that's what it means to be independent right? Ugh I wouldn't want a huge place like this.

I walked down the stairs and across the huge living room and towards the kitchen. I went through the dinning room and it was very nice and elegant. This whole house screamed elegant.

I could just imagine spending the holidays in something this nice. The festive season and cold winters just with family. I couldn't wait to have that but only being 18 it was going to be a while.

I then walked into the kitchen and seen the chef cleaning up. She was a girl, must be at least 21 years old or so. I can't imagine how much he pays her if he's giving me ten grand a month.

When she noticed me she smiled, "Hi Miss would you like to eat? I made steak and mashed potatoes."

My stomach then growled which caused us both to laugh, "Yes please." I say before sitting down on one of the islands chairs.

She went to work to prepare a plate for me. She even made it look so nice and clean just like a restaurant would've. Wow now I really want to know how much she's getting paid, cause if it's something small he's out of his damn mind.

She put the plate in front of me and pored me a glass of water. The food made my mouth water and stomach growl again.

"This looks amazing!" I tell her with a big smile.

She laughs, "Why thank you. It's nice to hear that every now and then, let's me know I'm doing things right." She tells me.

I shake my head, "He's out of his mind if he doesn't tell you how amazing your food looks and tastes." I say after I take a bite of the stake.

"Thank you, you know I could get used to having you around." She laughed.

She seemed like a nice girl, if I'm going to be here might as well know someone. Maybe even talk to her when I've got nothing to do.

I smiled, "Well I need a friend around here, I'm Veronica by the way." I tell her.

"Hi Veronica, I'm Layla." She smiled.

I finished up eating and we got to talk for a little bit. Layla was actually a really nice girl, she was very sweet. Jeez how'd she get tied to this job? I mean she's a great cook but she has a jerk of a boss. I would've quit by now.

It was getting late and she was ready to leave so I decided to walk her out. I'm happy I made a friend here already, god knows I need one because jackass is too conceited. We walked out and I walked over to her car as she got in another car pulled up.

I rolled my eyes already knowing who it was. We both looked at the car as it parked and a rather quick looking Shawn hopped out. He ran to the passengers side and opened it up, a tall blonde got out and she laughed as he pulled her along inside.

The front door shut and then a click of his car went off notifying everyone that it's locked. I looked over at Layla and she made a gagging noise.

I laughed, "Well I'll see you tomorrow."

"I honestly feel bad for you, I'll see you tomorrow." She tells me before she turns on the car and backs out of the driveway.

I stay out till her car leaves before I take a deep breath and go inside. I locked the door behind me and walk to the kitchen. I clean up then turn off the kitchen light before going upstairs. I seen articles of clothing on the floor leading to his room.

Pigs. I definitely don't need to trip on shoes or see her underwear. I just quickly went to my room and shut the door behind me. I sighed before walking to my bed. I put my phone to charge before getting under the covers and turning off the light.

I laid in this huge comfortable bed, thinking about my parents. I left Arizona to be with my dad and go to school here and I don't start till fall and now don't live with my dad. Instead I live with a pig headed jerk that is conceited and ugh. How did I end up here?

I closed my eyes just wanting to get out of this reality when I heard it. Loud moaning coming from his room. For it being a big house, it has some mighty thin walls. God someone put a muzzle on that girl, or a pillow. Better yet stab my ears so I will never have to hear that ever again.

It kept going for at least 20 minutes, my lord. I threw my pillow over my head and ears not wanting to hear it anymore. It then stopped thank the lord, I then heard whispering and doors opening.

I then hear the front door close and a car pull up. I got out of bed and seen a taxi pull up to the gates. The tall blonde walked out of the gates and into the cab with her shoes in her hands. Her hair was a mess, yup definitely sex hair.

Knowing that they just had loud sex three doors down. How do you manage to hear that through three rooms? Ew that could happen for the next eight months. Now I really don't know what I got myself into.

Authors Note//
Omg I'm getting so excited to write this I mean look how close I'm updating lmao
Let me know what you think.
Until Next Time Peace Lovelies🤘🏼💚

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now