40. Not Easy

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"This isn't going to be easy, for either of us."



I ended up moving back to California, my mom wasn't as sad as she was the first time. She understood, like she knew I needed to go back. Maybe she seen something I didn't.

I informed my dad I was moving back and fixed somethings with Shawn. Then we talked about our Friday lunches. Now we were leaving the airport.

We managed to get to his Jeep without anyone noticing him. He hasn't been acting himself lately. Like he's been nice, it's weird. Definitely not him.

We got to the Jeep and he opened the door for me, "Why thank you." I laugh.

He smiled before closing it and putting my bags in the back. He was definitely trying to suck up but I wasn't falling for it. Wow I have him wrapped around my little finger.

Shawn walked around and went into the driver seat. He started it up and started to drive home.

"Are you hungry?" Shawn asked interrupting my thoughts.

I looked over at him, "Is that even a question?"

He chuckled, "I guess not, so what do you want?" He asked as he switched lanes.

"I don't care you choose." I say looking out the window. It was raining.

He glanced at me, "No it's okay you choose."

I turned to look at him and raised my eyebrow, "Shawn I don't care just pick." I laughed.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Okay what's the deal? Why do you keep wanting to reassure me or do nice things for me? It's weird." I tell him and he just cracked a grin.

"What I can't be nice? That's considered being weird?" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "No but it's weird for you I mean you're never nice. It's creepy." I joke.

"Okay well I am nice, I've just never showed it." He tells me.

I laughed, "Or it's because you want something."

He looked over at me and smiled before looking back at the roads. He shrugged before sighing.

"What I can't be nice without having something up my sleeve? Well it sucks you think like that Ace because I actually don't want anything." He told me with that charming smile of his.

"Mmhmm, you have something up your sleeve Mendes and I'll find out eventually." I tell him and he just chuckled.

"Whatever floats your boat Ace." He said before grabbing one of my hands with his.

His big warm hand covering my small cold hand. My hand had electricity spike from my fingertips to my shoulder. He interlaced our fingers, he then took my hand and kissed the back of my hand. All though I loved the gesture and it made my stomach flip and heart melt, but I was onto him.

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now