34. Down

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"You're too stubborn and have so much pride to say anything."



I got up from my spot where I was crying and went upstairs. I went back into my old room and grabbed my suitcase. I grabbed all my clothes from that closet before going to Shawn's room.

I stopped in the doorway and remembered all the things that happened there. The laughs, the hugs, the sweet moments and all I wanted to do was cry.

I shook those thoughts away before walking and grabbing all my clothes. I also grabbed anything that was mine and left everything he bought. I didn't want or need to take it.

I got everything packed and down the stairs. I even called a cab to come pick me up. I took the last bag down when I heard the front door open and a concerned looking Shawn walk in. He looked all around till he seen me.

"Shit Ace you gave me a heart attack." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Sorry." I said in a monotone.

He then looked to see my bags on the ground, "What are you doing Ace?"

I put my bag down, "I'm uh...I'm leaving."

He looked at me confused, "Leaving where?"

"Leaving Shawn, as in out of this house and away from you." I tell him.

I start to feel my throat tighten as a knot started to form in it. Something that only happens when I wanted to cry.

"Why?" He asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"You tell me Shawn." I said starting to feel angry and hurt. Like my heart was breaking all over again.

He looked confused, "Um is there something I should know?"

"Did you think I was stupid? That I could go so long without you telling me you were sleeping with her? God I'm such an idiot." I tell him and as if he knew exactly what I was talking about.

I actually couldn't tell, he had this wall up. The same wall that was up when I first met him. Where he wouldn't show an ounce of emotion, he wasn't easy to read any more.

"No this was your plan the whole damn time. Wasn't it?" I asked feeling mad and hurt.

He didn't say anything he just looked at me, "No, it wasn't. This was just a deal Ace. Remember?"

His words echoed inside my head, he was right. It was all just a deal. I was told specifically from him not to fall for him. I was the foolish one to break the rule.

"You're right it was just a deal. God you're such an asshole." I tell him but still no emotion.

"I thought you already knew that." Was all he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You're so stubborn. You can't even fucking own up to it. Admit it Shawn you slept with her, you knew everything that was going on. And you still got me to..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

I just couldn't get the words to come out cause if they did it would be over. I would know it was true and there was nothing I could do. I couldn't give him the satisfaction.

"To what?" He asked.

I felt tears prick the back of my eyes as looked up at him, "You still got me to fall for you." I whispered.

"Ace-" He tried to say but I held my finger up.

I shook my head as a tear slipped down my face, "You don't get to call me that anymore. My name is Veronica and I am done Shawn. I don't want to finish the months, I don't want anything to do with you. I'm done." I say as more tears slipped down my face.

"At least let me pay you that was part of the deal." Was all he said.

I just told him I fell for him and he didn't even care. I was crying and hurt and he didn't even care. God how pathetic was I? To fall for a complete asshole like him.

"I don't want your money Shawn, I don't want anything to do with you. It stopped being about the money that day at the lake, the day you held me when we got back here. The minute I knew I loved you, it was never about the money. So keep it god knows its all you'll ever have besides your fans. Cause all you are when you're not around them is a complete asshole who doesn't care who he hurts." I told him.

He just looked at me straight in the face, "You make it sound as if I told you to fall for me."

I scoffed, "You're right. You're absolutely right Shawn. Have a good life, and here." I grabbed the necklace that was around my neck and broke it off.

I handed it to him but he just looked at it like he was afraid to take it. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand that sent electricity through mine. I ignored the feeling and dropped the necklace in his hand.

"Goodbye Shawn." I say before wiping my face of tears.

I turned around and grabbed my bags and headed outside. I walked down the driveway with my heart breaking more and tears streaming down my face. I got to the gate and seen my cab waiting, I unlocked it and went to the cab.

I got in and told him my dads address. As he drove away I looked towards the front door and seen him standing there. I looked away and put my hands in my face. I didn't want to cry over him. I knew what I was getting myself into when it came to the deal.

But I didn't intend on falling so in love with him. Six months and that's all it took for him to completely have my heart.

And now it's broken in pieces.

Authors Note//
Oooo updated while in school! Such a rebel lmao
Here's the breakup and we'll get Shawn's pov next update.
Let me know what you think.
Until Next Time Peace Lovelies💚🤘🏼

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