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"Things aren't the same anymore."



A good two days passed away before Shawn got a call from the police telling him we could go back home. I didn't really like waking up to that kind of news. I knew we couldn't stay in the hotel for that long because Shawn was paying a lot of money.

But I also didn't want to go back. We had gotten ready and made sure to have all of our things before we left the room. We headed down to the lobby through the elevator. Shawn then checked out before we left to the parking garage.

We went to his Jeep and put our bags in the back. I got in the passengers seat and he got in the drivers seat. He turned on the car and drove away from the hotel.

Shawn didn't turn on the radio so that we were enveloped in silence, "So I'm going to call someone to clean up the house and have whatever thats broken and fix it."

I looked over at him and nodded, "Okay."

I didn't really know how I felt about going back there. I didn't want to. I felt more safe in that bed in that hotel than the house.

"I um...I could set up the room right next to mine if you want it. I know how you feel about your room and all." He suggested.

I looked at him and he glanced at me, "That sounds nice."

Shawn gave me a smile and continued to drive to the house. Once we got there my heart started to beat and my heart sank a little. He pulled up to the gate and he entered the number.

The gates slowly opened and he drove in and parked his Jeep. He took the keys out and got out. Though my feet couldn't seem to move, I sat there just looking at the house.

I then seen my side of the door open and that's when I snapped back to reality, "Are you okay Ace?"

I looked at him and nodded my head, "Yeah why?"

"Cause you haven't gotten out of the car." He laughed but I could tell he was just trying to calm my nerves.

I then took off my seatbelt and forced a smile, "Sorry I spaced out."

"Come on let's just get it over with." He tells me as he grabbed my hand and helped me out.

We walked away from the Jeep and towards the front door. The door had locks on it for the person who broke in kicked in the door. Shawn typed in a number on this pad that locked the door.

The lock then opened and Shawn took it off. He put it in his pocket before pushing open the door. He grabbed my hand and held it as we walked into the trashed house.

I took a deep breath as we walked in and seen the damage. Glass was everywhere, broken vases and frames. Every direction we stepped in the glass would crunch under our steps. Shawn ran his fingers through his hair with his other hand.

"Shit." He muttered as he looked around.

Everything was flipped or thrown, papers covered the grown. We walked to his office and it had papers everywhere. Pages torn from books, his desk was flipped and drawers were emptied.

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now