JELENA Valentine's Day Special ;*

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Not an update!(:

I know Valentine's Day was Friday, and I was gonna post this then, but never got around to it.

I'm not gonna give a sob story and explain why, so I'll just skip to the good parts and hope you enjoy! (:

"Hey, you leave tomorrow right?" Justin called from the other room. I shut the door behind me after saying goodbye to my mom and walked back into the living room, going straight to Justin and straddling his lap.

"Yes I do, why?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing my lips to his. He gladly returned the gesture and pulled me closer to him.

"Just wanna know how much time I have left with you," He smiled up at me.

"Oh, alright." I said and laughed as he made both of our bodies fall sideways on the couch.

"Promise me you won't have a one night stand?"

"Wh-wait what!?" I shrieked and slapped his arm, making him burst out laughing. "I am not like that!"

"I'm just teasing!" He said between laughter and wrapped his arms around me again, resting his head above mine. "I know you wouldn't, you love me too much."

He kissed the top of my head and I sighed. Tomorrow I left for New York for a year to go further with my dancing career with Hunter and the crew. And I knew for sure that I was gonna miss him the most.

But wanting to rid of any possibilities of making me upset, especially on Valentine's Day, I looked up at Justin and brought my hand up to his cheek, kissing him again before rolling off the couch.

"That's right," I smirked and fixed my pants as made my way to the kitchen. Opening the cabinets, I grabbed the tomato sauce and noodles, the first two things that I saw that seemed appealing

Upon grabbing them, I felt two strong arms wrap around me, and Justin nuzzle his face in the crook of my neck. He began kissing me in various spots, nibbling on my ticklish one, making me yelp and jump away from him.

"Jerk!" I couldn't help but laugh from the childish grin on his face. I shot him a glare and turned away, grabbing a pot and everything else I would need.

"I may be, but at least I'm a jerk that you love," He swatted my butt as he walked by and took a seat at the island behind me. "What are you making?"

"Spaghetti." I replied just as I began cutting the meat. "I would ask if you wanted something else, but..too late." I turned around and smiled at him.

"As long as it's not like the last time you cooked, then I'm fine."

"What was wrong with the last time I cooked?" I turned around and glared at him.

"Oh c'mon babe, you and I both know it nearly killed us all the last time." He confessed and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me for the fifteenth time tonight and stuck his hands in the back pockets of my jeans.

"No, no I didn't know that." I glared at him and couldn't help but wrap my arms around him at the innocent face he was pulling off all too well.

I brought my lips to his and ran my hands through his air as he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and bringing me to the counter by the sink. He set me down on the counter while never breaking the kiss, and put his hands on the counter on either sides of me.

"I love you," He breathed out, resting his forehead against mine.

"And I love you," I said while rubbing my hands up and down his back.

"Yeah, hate to ruin the moment, but do you smell something burning?" He scrunched his eyebrows together and turned towards the stove.

Sure enough, the meat I put in the stove was already blackening and creating clear smoke clouds.

"Dammit! Why'd I set it to nine," I cursed under my breath and jumped off the counter. I quickly shut the stove off and picked the pot up, dumping the contents inside of it into the trash can.

Groaning at how hot it was getting, I ran over to the sink and dropped the hell pan inside of it. "That thing was fucking hot," I said and ran my hand under cold water.

"Good thing you're a dancer and not a chef." Justin laughed and put his hand on my back, leading us both back to the living room. We fell back onto the couch and I turned my head over to look at him.

"Well that went well," I stated and kicked my feet up on the coffee table in front of us, Justin doing the same. "How about we just order pizza and watch cheesy romance movies the rest of the night?"

"Sounds good. Plain cheese and Hawaii?"

"As usual." I smiled and handed him the phone.

It my have taken me to almost burn my house down, but at that moment, I knew that we were made for each other.


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