Chapter Thirty.

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The Getaway• Chapter 30.

I was currently sprawled out across my bed, just thinking. I probably shouldn't because it'll put me in a bad mood, but I feel that I should. Which is weird, because Hunter is right there and I could easily vent to her. But, I just couldn't.

I don't know why, but whenever I think of Hunter, Alex immediately comes to mind. Maybe it's just that they have a slight similarity in looks and personality. Which is definitely not a good thing. I knew I shouldn't have thought about this. But with the idea already in mind, I slowly sat up and stared at Hunter.

"I don't know if you want to kill me or what, but please stop looking at me like that," she joked and turned around to where her back was facing me. I took this time to study her more. There's no possible way they could be related or know each other. No. Quickly shaking my head, I sighed and got my laptop off the floor.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I apologized after a couple minutes, thinking that she was honestly getting frightened. But in all reality, if we were to get in a fight, she would for sure win. You could tell by just glancing at us for a quick second.

"About what?" Hunter questioned, turning around once again. For a second, I saw Alex when I looked up at her. I seriously am going crazy.

"I," I paused to click on an old picture of Alex and I. "Oh my fucking gosh."

"Selena what the fuck?" She got off the chair and quickly rushed to my side. My eyes definitely went wide, and when I finally looked over at the concerned girl next to me, she looked perfectly fine.

"It's two in the morning, you need sleep," she stated and closed my laptop, and setting it on the floor next to my bed. "I don't see what the big deal is anyway, it was just a picture."

She couldn't of just seen it as a picture. Yeah, it was just a picture, but a picture where Alex looks exactly fucking like Hunter. Then it all came back to me. Alex did tell me something about having piercings and colorful hair. But that was about two years before we met. That's when the picture was taken, when we first met.

This had to be just a coincidence. Deciding that Hunter probably was right, I sighed and shut my eyes. Hoping that I would wake up from this messed up dream any second now.


"So," I looked at Hunter and let out a quick yawn. "Have you guys decided if we're still doing that dance thing?"

It was ten in the morning, and I was absolutely exhausted. But Hunter insisted that I had gotten up, complaining that if I didn't, I'd turn into a lazy homeless person. It seemed crazy to me, but she probably was right.

Hunter sighed and shut her eyes, "I don't know, honestly. The doctor said Cole has gotten much better, but Kirsten doesn't want him to go and risk anything worse."

"Why's it just up to Kirsten?"

"I asked the same thing, but I'd rather not argue with any of them and risk the team." She replied and rubbed her eyes. I'm not the only tired one, lazy homeless person.

"I think we should," I answered with a smile. "It's a great opportunity."

"Maybe," Hunter said and went back to the computer to do who knows what.

Realizing that I wasn't going to get any more sleep, I silently groaned and threw the blankets off of me, heading to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and noticed my phone was on the counter. I picked it up and noticed that I had a bunch of missed calls.

Seeing as it was Alex, probably drunk calling me again, I set it back down and quickly took a shower.

Once I got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and made my way to my closet.

"Guess who just called me," Hunter said, a wicked smile playing on her lips. I shrugged.

"That psycho who you, still haven't told me about?" I guessed and walked back to the bathroom where I got changed in a decent amount of time.

"No," she groaned and threw a pencil from my desk at me. "It was Kirsten and Cara, they wanted to tell us that Coles responsive."

"That's great, we should go see him."

"They also said that he wants us to do the dance thing," and with that, her smile got bigger as I turned to look at her.

"No way! Are you serious? So he doesn't feel left out or anything?" My questions were so scrambled by my excitement, that I bet she couldn't hear a thing. But I didn't care, honestly. I just really wanted to do this.

"Not that I know of. That's why we're going to see him later." Hunter responded and got up to head to the bathroom. When I heard the water to the shower run, I decided to take the time to do whatever.

I got off my bed and made my way down stairs, where I saw my mom in the kitchen. It smelled good, so it was nice knowing that I was getting food soon.

"Morning," she bluntly said, only turning to me for a brief second before going back to the stove.

"Something wrong?" I asked as I opened the fridge to get a bottle of water. It wasn't like her to be upset, even though everyone is sometimes. She was just always happy, or mad at me for something stupid that I did. It was mainly mad.

"No everything's fine,"

"Okay..," I said slowly and shut the fridge. "What are you cooking?"

"Spaghetti." She replied just as she shut the stove off. I didn't reply, and instead just watched as she carefully drained the noodles. That's when she finally looked at me and rose her eyebrow.

"At twelve in the afternoon?" I questioned and gave her a weird look.

"Well, what else is there to do?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. There's food." I grinned and got up from my seat at the table and quickly got a plate. That's when I heard Hunter come in and sigh.

"The sigh of food." I chuckled and turned around to set my food on the table.

My mom gave me a small smile before exiting the kitchen. I knew something was wrong, but didn't want to question her about it. Deep down I knew it would just make her even more upset.

I just hoped that it wasn't about the baby.

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