Chapter Twenty.

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The Getaway• Chapter 20.

"I.. What?" I said quickly. Resting my hands on the windowsill, I chewed on my bottom lip and stared my door down. My mom must be worried about that box and I by now.

"You were just watching those dancers?" The girl said screwing the cap to her water bottle back on.

"Yeah. That's what I was doing." I replied, feeling less uncomfortable as she smiled at me.

"Are they good?" She asked, talking to me like we've known each other forever. Nodding, I looked back in through the window for a brief moment.

"Good, because it's actually my dance crew in there." She grinned. I rose my eyebrows slightly confused. She didn't look like a dancer, yet she looked like the people in there.



I wound up spending the rest of the day with Hunter and her friends. And let's be honest, they are some of the messed up people I have ever met. Don't get me wrong, they're good people, just not my kind of people. While they have tattoos and stay up all night partying or some shit, I have clear skin and stay home scrolling through my news feed reading about useless stuff.

But I wound up having a place in my life for all of them. Especially after they said 'I was quite the looker'. With me only wearing a tank top with a light blue cardigan, and jeans, that's a big compliment. Or they were only saying it to be nice. But I'm gonna go with that they meant it because I need friends.

I was currently sitting in a hospital office waiting for Hunter to get done talking to her mom. I looked around the room and noticed that it looked exactly like the ones where I used to live at. There was a small heater in the corner behind the patient bed, a small medal fencing surrounding it. It makes loud groaning noises every now and then, causing my head to snap in that direction. Then there were the simple, plain blue cabinets that I've come accustom to from my previous doctor visits. Under those was the computer and other doctor necessities.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by the door opening. "Ready to go?" Hunter asked peeking her head through the door and sending me a smug look. I grabbed my bag off the floor and followed her.

"What'd we come here for, anyway?" I asked once we had exited the building. I'm glad we finally left, it was getting stuffy in there and I had to pee.

"Oh, my mom wants me to stop by regularly for check ups. I've been going ever since I fell off a post while dancing." She answered, laughing a little obviously at the memory. I couldn't help but smile too as we made our way back to the warehouse. But there was one other question tugging at my mind.

"Why doesn't she just check on you at home? Just a thought." I said shrugging.

"I don't live with her, I live with my dad." Hunter said like it was no big deal. Not wanting to push the conversation any further, I just nodded and we continued walking in silence.

"Finally!" Kirsten, one of the dancers groaned once we entered the building.

"What?" I laughed and set my bag on the ground.

"You guys took forever, Jesus Christ." Cole answered for her. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and decided to not answer. It was Hunter's fault after all.

It went silent for a while until my phone started ringing in my bag. After digging around for a while, I found it. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Justin. I'm surprised he called. Not wanting the others to question me, I ignored the call and turned my phone off.

(So as I said in my status, my iPod broke and I lost literally everything! I had this chapter done but then it got deleted. So I decided to change it up and came up with this. Anyway, I got a new iPod and I'm back lol! Oh and GOOD news, I finally found out how Selena and Justin are gonna see each other again (; it'll probably happen in the next 7 or 10 chapters. I'm not gonna say anymore so goodbye! (:)

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