Chapter Twenty-Five.

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The Getaway• Chapter 25.

It was the day after my first play practice, and I've come to the conclusion that it's not that bad. Turns out, Ms. Monroe just lost her husband and that's why she is the way that she is. She just wants to hide her emotions by being happy all the time. Which I find that very hard to do. But I have to give the poor woman credit.

Rich and I wound up doing the part where I become the new girl at school, and he ends up being mesmerized by my 'beauty'. I actually scoffed at that part. It was actually the other way around, if that makes sense. And I think the whole thing is coincidental, too.

I was laying lazily on my bed, scrolling through my newsfeed when I got a call. Justin.

I quickly sat up and cleared my throat before clicking the answer button. "Hello?"

"Selena!" I hear him sigh before speaking again. "Thank god, I've been worried sick."

"Oh," was all I could say. Surely he would've moved on by now, or I thought. I got off my bed and leaned against my window frame, watching out my window. "What for?"

"Well you haven't answered any of my calls." He pointed out. I just rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me.

"I called you back at times, too. But you didn't seem to answer those." I scoffed. I wasn't trying to be mean, but he shouldn't be such a hypocrite.

"Sorry, forget it. You answered and that's all that matters."

"Yeah, so why'd you call?" I asked while picking at the chipped nail polish on my nails.

"Oh I wanted to talk to you about Alex." He said slowly.

"What about her?"

"She came by yesterday, and uh-" I didn't get to hear the rest of what he said because Hunter came barging into my room.

"Guess what!?" She squealed, taking the phone out of my hand and quickly hanging up.

"Hey," I snapped and took the phone away from her. "What the hell!"

"Sorry." She grinned and jumped off my bed, landing on the floor. "But seriously, guess what!"

"I don't know! Just stop yelling!" I groaned, texting Justin telling him that I was sorry and that I'd call him back whenever I had time.

"Okay okay, well you know how Cole posted that video of us dancing the other day?"

"Yeah." I replied and set my phone on my desk.

"Well a huge dance producer saw it and wants us to perform for him, and sign us to make us official!" Once the words left her mouth, I immediately forgot why I was pissed at her and started screaming with her.

"Oh my god! That's so great!"

"Will you guys quiet down please?" My mom asked as she opened my door.

"Yeah, sorry mom." I said and wiped the hair out of my face, sitting down on my bed. Hunter joining me.

"So what's his name and where are we performing at?" I asked.

"I think it's James, yeah that's it. And where we're performing," she paused and got up from the bed, putting her finger on her chin. "That's secret."


It was finally Friday, and I couldn't be happier. The dance crew decided to practice nonstop all weekend, considering we leave next week on Tuesday. I still didn't know how I was going to tell Rich that I couldn't do the play. But I'd have to do it tonight. At least so they could replace me quickly enough to still be able to do the play.

Hunter and I got out of her moms car and began walking to the front of the building.

"Hey Zoe." I smiled at the red head who was scrambling to finish her homework. She nodded her head at me and began writing again.

"So, are you guys excited about performing in front of thousands!" Cole asked, high-fiving each of us.

"Yeah! But Hunter won't tell me where we're performing?" I said hoping to get an answer out of him. But Hunter just shook her head and said I wasn't allowed to know.

"You guys can thank me." Cole smirked and leaned back in his chair. Earning a slap from Zoe.

Soon Cara and Bo joined us at the table.

"Did you guys hear?" Bo said, gathering all of our attention.

"Hear what?" Zoe finally spoke up.

"James already made posters and they're hanging all around C-"

"Quiet! Selena's not supposed to know." Hunter scolded.

"Whatever." Cara said and smiled at me. "Okay well apparently it's what everyone's talking about over there."

Before anyone could answer, the bell rang and we all said our goodbyes, heading to our first period.

Mine was algebra. And I hated it with all I can hate it with.

I quickly sat in my seat in the back, next to some girl who always has her nose in a book. I'm pretty sure I've never even seen her face before.

"Pass up your homework and take out your books." The teacher said and set his bags beside his desk.

I sighed and did as told.

(I can't wait for the next few chapters! You guys will probably love me after them. *probably*. Anyway, what do you think Alex is up to?)

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